

  我把自己的域名放在了美国的godaddy公司,自己做了一个小说网站,前不久,想到很久没有续费域名了,打开godaddy页面,想登录账号看看域名还有多久到期,输入用户名和密码后,又弹出一个界面,要求输入手机验证码。显示已经将验证码发到了手机上,上面显示了一个手机号。这个手机号确实是之前我自己设置的,但是这个号码是我用的一个虚拟号,早就不用了,也就是说根本不可能再用我自己设置的这个手机号接收验证码了?这可怎么办呢?我想到了用邮箱重置密码试试,重置之后邮箱收到了重置密码的链接,密码重置成功后,再次登录,还是回到了要求输入手机验证码的页面。  难道我手机号码不用了,就不能再登录我的账号了吗?要知道这个账号里的域名我已经用了将近十年了,有一个域名的网站权重很高,此外,还有一些我非常喜欢的域名。  有问题找客服,于是我拨打了godaddy的客服,godaddy还设置了中文客服,我想还有客服解决不了的问题吗?不过客服的电话是新加坡的,我开通了国际长途,国际长途收费真够贵的,为了解决问题,也不在乎这几个钱了。我问客服为什么给我加了二次验证,客服说为了客户的安全,最近godaddy域名不断被盗,我说我的手机号是虚拟号,早就不用了,我让他们帮我取消掉二次验证,他们说他们没有权限,我晕,连这点小权限都没有?设置这个客服有什么用呢?真是奇葩!我问那怎么办?他说要美国客服解决。让我联系美国客服,我一听说联系美国客服,头都大了,我问他们怎么联系。  中文客服说让我填写一个表格,让我留下邮箱,给我发了一个邮件,邮件内容如下:  Thank you for your email.We have recently made updates to our processes to be able to assist you more efficiently.Please note that this email address is no longer monitored.If you need additional assistance,please complete our new intake form at or and provide the required documentation.We review all requests in the order they are received.As always,if you are able to access your account and need immediate assistance,please reach out to our 24/7 Customer Care team.  这封邮件里包含两个网址:http://changeupdate.com和,但是两个网址都指向了同一个网页。  网页里的第三个选项适合我的情况。于是我打开链接,全都是英文,我借助翻译软件,好不容易填写完毕了,没想到到最后一步就是提交不了,最后的提交按钮始终是灰色的。我想可能是时间原因?浏览器的原因?或者是godaddy系统的原因?等一等会好?结果等了三天,每天都试一下,都是到最后一步提交不了。我试了不同的浏览器,火狐、谷歌、360等等浏览器都试遍了,全都提交不了。我还是问了中文客服,中文客服也说不出个所以然来,说让我多试试。  这样就纠结了大概一周,始终也解决不了。我想互联网上可能会有人遇到过同样的问题,于是我就搜了搜,没想到搜到了两个专门解决godaddy疑难问题的人。一个是猪脚,一个是爱晴皇岛。通过交流,感觉还是爱晴皇岛说话靠谱一些。他有一口浓浓的东北口音,让人觉得每句话都很实在。另外,他是淘宝交易,弄不好可以退款,把钱先放在淘宝平台,能让人放心一些。与猪脚聊,感觉每句话都在试探,最后的定价也太离谱,要几万块。经过权衡,我还是选择了和爱晴皇岛合作,拍完淘宝商品之后,爱晴皇岛给我发来一个附件,我按他说的填好之后,他就开始帮我弄了。  刚合作不到一个小时,我的邮箱就收到了一封邮件。  对了,在合作之前,他们都问我账号信息和身份证信息对不对得上?这一点十分关键,我的账号信息当时是乱填的。国外注册的账号,当时也没太在意,也没像国内账号那样实名,不可能和身份证对得上啊。他们都说如果和身份证信息对不上,申诉起来有一定难度,这让我一直捏一把汗,本来就是抱着死马当活马医,试试看的态度拍了淘宝商品。  爱晴皇岛接手后收到的第一封邮件是这样的:  We got your request.  We've received your request and our team will start work on it as soon as possible.  Your ticket ID is:  ART-316975  You can expect a response from us within 72 hours.  If we need any more information,we'll email you to ensure we get it and move forward.If you haven't heard from us in the timeframes listed above,please contact us.  大概意思是已经受理了,并且分配了一个号。我见有了进展,就放心的等了。  第二天早上,又来了第二封邮件。  We received your request.A certified English translation of your government-issued photo ID or alternate identification in English such as a passport is required to move forward.  We recommend utilizing your favorite search engine to find local companies in your area that are certified to do official translations of documents.A Certified Translation consists of the following three parts:  The document in the original language text  The document in the translated text  A statement signed by the translator or translation company representative,with his or her signature notarized by a Notary Public,attesting that the translator or translation company representative believes the translated document to be an accurate and complete translation of the original document.Sometimes this statement bears the title"Certificate of Accuracy"or"Statement that Two Documents Have the Same Meaning."Some translators will attach a Curriculum Vitae to the notarized statement.  Once this is received,we will inform you if there is anything additional needed to process your request,or we will let you know that your request has been completed.  With Regards,  Account Recovery Team  主要意思是让提供身份证的照片和翻译,前面已经说过了,我的身份证和账号信息对不上,估计又走进了死胡同。不过爱晴皇岛让我把我的证件提供给他,并且很靠谱的提醒我可以打水印。我提供给他后,问他有没有把握,他说他试着沟通看看。  然后就是过了两天,怎么也不回信,我就不断催他。他让我耐心等。  第五天早上,又来了一封邮件:  Unfortunately,our department will not be able to assist you with your request as you are not the current registrant of the domain.As the registrar we can only make this type of change after verifying the consent of the registrant.At this point you will need to contact the registrant via one of the methods listed on the whois record of the domain.  If the registrant is unresponsive or unwilling to assist you in this matter,any further dispute over the registration of the domain name will need to be sent either to the registrant,through an ICANN-approved arbitration provider( the court system.If you file a dispute concerning the domain name,please forward a copy to DomainDisputes  If you find that the whois information is invalid,such as containing a phone number that has been disconnected or an email address that bounces,please send us a detailed email to InvalidWhois so that we can attempt to have the registrant correct it.  大概意思是不支持我们的申诉,让通过仲裁或法院起诉等方式解决。我一看形势不好,问爱晴皇岛怎么办?他说他再想想办法,他打电话给美国那边,说有一个熟悉的客服,讲明情况看看行不行。但是也没有十足的把握。  其实我的情况很明显,邮箱还是我的,密码也正确,美国那边的客服怎么就判断不支持我呢?我窝了一肚子火,不断和爱晴皇岛强调这些,他说他知道这情况的,让我再耐心等一下。他说并不是一点办法没有。  第六天,我正在上班,爱晴皇岛给我打来电话,说他正在和美国那边的客服沟通,问我账号里面有没有绑定信用卡,说美国那边的客服让问的,我没有绑定信用卡啊。我心想,这下应该是不行了。  没想到第六天的中午,我的邮箱里又来了一封邮件:  Thank you for getting back to us Mr.Liu.  Kindly be advised that moving forward,there is a need for a higher-level review of your request and therefore,we require an additional document from you:  We have accepted your explanation regarding the name used on the account and we also accepted your Passport as proof of identity and therefore,we require an image of you holding your Passport.  Please take a"selfie"with your Passport next to your face and reply with it directly to this email.Note-we do not need to see your whole body,or anything below your face,but we do need to be able to read the photo ID clearly.Do not cover any of the following information on the ID:the person pictured,name,signature,and expiration date.These should all be clearly identifiable.  We deeply appreciate your cooperation on the matter.  With Regards,  Account Recovery Team  大概意思是对我的情况达成了谅解,让我提供手持证件的照片。  我按照他们的要求把照片提供给爱晴皇岛后,紧接着就是第七天的早上,起床的第一件事就是看手机,结果发现爱晴皇岛给我留言了,说账号找回来了。  我进入邮箱一看,果然有一封邮件:  两步验证已禁用。  您最近从账户中删除了两步验证功能。这意味着当某人登录时不需要验证码。  您随时可以从账户设置中的两步验证页面,重新开启两步验证。  如果您并未有意关闭两步验证功能,请立即访问您的账户。登录并转到您的“账户信息”页面,查看您的联系信息是否正确,以及是否有任何变更。如果您发现任何未经授权的活动,请更改密码并重新启用两步验证。  如您对访问您的账户有疑问,请拨打+65 6701 1359联系我们的客户支持团队。  同时还有一封英文邮件:  As you requested,we have removed the Two-Step Verification method from your account.Don't forget to add a backup method like an authenticator app or second phone number when re-adding Two-Step to your account.  To log into your account,please visit our home page and click"sign in."If you need to recover your username or password,please follow the prompts.  If you do not receive your 6 digit one-time passcode,please check your spam/junk folder.If it still isn't there,please contact Customer Support at[%%http.BASECARTSITE%%],or call[%%PrivateLabelValue.SupportPhone%%]anytime,24/7.They’d be happy to help.  With Regards,  Account Recovery Team  大概意思和那封中文邮件差不多,总之是找回来了。  这样,历时7天,我的账户又恢复正常了,我在淘宝上确认了收货。幸亏godaddy账号手机验证取消得及时,不然,我使用了好多年的域名马上就要到期了。如果过期,后悔都来不及了。要知道我的网站权重非常高,如果换域名,很多工作都需要重新做,损失太大了。通过这件事,我总结了使用godaddy账号的三条教训。  一是godaddy里面的身份信息尽量用真实的。  二是经常使用的域名要提前一段时间续费,免得出现意外情况导致域名不能续费、  三是godaddy账号里面的手机号尽量用常用的手机号,不要用临时性的手机号。  这就是我取消godaddy手机二次验证的经历,记录下来,希望对和我有同样情况的人有所帮助。


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