



区块是区块链中数据存储的最小单元,每一个区块都由\\”区块头\\”和\\”区块主体\\”两部分组成,其中区块主体用于存储交易信息,而区块头由版本号、父区块Hash值、Merkle root、时间戳、难度值、随机数等构成:



// filedir: go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\core\\\\types\\\\block.go  L149// Block represents an entire block in the Ethereum blockchain.type Block struct {  header       *Header  uncles       []*Header  transactions Transactions
// caches hash atomic.Value size atomic.Value
// Td is used by package core to store the total difficulty // of the chain up to and including the block. td *big.Int
// These fields are used by package eth to track // inter-peer block relay. ReceivedAt time.Time ReceivedFrom interface{}}


    // filedir:go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\core\\\\types\\\\block.go  L66//go:generate gencodec -type Header -field-override headerMarshaling -out gen_header_json.go
    // Header represents a block header in the Ethereum blockchain.type Header struct { ParentHash common.Hash `json:\\\"parentHash\\\" gencodec:\\\"required\\\"` UncleHash common.Hash `json:\\\"sha3Uncles\\\" gencodec:\\\"required\\\"` Coinbase common.Address `json:\\\"miner\\\" gencodec:\\\"required\\\"` Root common.Hash `json:\\\"stateRoot\\\" gencodec:\\\"required\\\"` TxHash common.Hash `json:\\\"transactionsRoot\\\" gencodec:\\\"required\\\"` ReceiptHash common.Hash `json:\\\"receiptsRoot\\\" gencodec:\\\"required\\\"` Bloom Bloom `json:\\\"logsBloom\\\" gencodec:\\\"required\\\"` Difficulty *big.Int `json:\\\"difficulty\\\" gencodec:\\\"required\\\"` Number *big.Int `json:\\\"number\\\" gencodec:\\\"required\\\"` GasLimit uint64 `json:\\\"gasLimit\\\" gencodec:\\\"required\\\"` GasUsed uint64 `json:\\\"gasUsed\\\" gencodec:\\\"required\\\"` Time uint64 `json:\\\"timestamp\\\" gencodec:\\\"required\\\"` Extra []byte `json:\\\"extraData\\\" gencodec:\\\"required\\\"` MixDigest common.Hash `json:\\\"mixHash\\\"` Nonce BlockNonce `json:\\\"nonce\\\"`}


    • ParentHash:父区块Hash值

    • Coinbase:矿工账户地址

    • UncleHash:Block结构体的成员Uncles的RLP(递归长度前缀)哈希值

    • Root:Merkle Tree Root

    • TxHash:区块中所有交易验证结果组成的交易结果的默克尔树

    • ReceiptHash:Block中的\\”Receipt Trie\\”的根节点的RLP哈希值

    • Bloom:Bloom过滤器(Filter),用来快速判断一个参数Log对象是否存在于一组已知的Log集合中

    • Difficulty:区块的难度

    • Number:区块的序号,当前区块的Number等于其父区块Number+1

    • Time:区块被创建的时间戳,该值由共识算法确定,要么等于parentBlock.Time + 10s,或者等于系统当前时间

    • GasLimit:区块内所有Gas消耗的理论上限

    • GasUsed:区块内所有Transaction执行时所实际消耗的Gas总和

    • Nonce:一个64bit的哈希数,它被应用在区块的\\”挖掘\\”阶段,并且在使用中会被修改

    同时需要补充说明的一点是在比特币中区块body中的交易通过Merkle Tree的形式组织,之后将Merkle Root存储到Block header中,而在以太坊中则采用Merkle-PatricaTrie(MPT)结构,一共存在三棵树:

    • StateTrie:在StateDB中每个账户以stateObject对象表示,所有账户对象逐个插入一个Merkle-PatricaTrie(MPT)结构里,形成\\”state Trie\\”

    • Tx Trie:Block的transactions中所有的tx对象,被逐个插入一个MPT结构,形成\\”tx Trie\\”

    • Receipt Trie:Transaction执行完后会生成一个Receipt数组,数组中的所有Receipt被逐个插入一个MPT结构中,形成\\”Receipt Trie\\”




    // filedir: go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\params\\\\config.go  L28// Genesis hashes to enforce below configs on.var (  MainnetGenesisHash = common.HexToHash(\\\"0xd4e56740f876aef8c010b86a40d5f56745a118d0906a34e69aec8c0db1cb8fa3\\\")  RopstenGenesisHash = common.HexToHash(\\\"0x41941023680923e0fe4d74a34bdac8141f2540e3ae90623718e47d66d1ca4a2d\\\")  RinkebyGenesisHash = common.HexToHash(\\\"0x6341fd3daf94b748c72ced5a5b26028f2474f5f00d824504e4fa37a75767e177\\\")  GoerliGenesisHash  = common.HexToHash(\\\"0xbf7e331f7f7c1dd2e05159666b3bf8bc7a8a3a9eb1d518969eab529dd9b88c1a\\\")  YoloV3GenesisHash  = common.HexToHash(\\\"0x374f07cc7fa7c251fc5f36849f574b43db43600526410349efdca2bcea14101a\\\"))
    // TrustedCheckpoints associates each known checkpoint with the genesis hash of// the chain it belongs to.var TrustedCheckpoints = map[common.Hash]*TrustedCheckpoint{ MainnetGenesisHash: MainnetTrustedCheckpoint, RopstenGenesisHash: RopstenTrustedCheckpoint, RinkebyGenesisHash: RinkebyTrustedCheckpoint, GoerliGenesisHash: GoerliTrustedCheckpoint,}
    // CheckpointOracles associates each known checkpoint oracles with the genesis hash of// the chain it belongs to.var CheckpointOracles = map[common.Hash]*CheckpointOracleConfig{ MainnetGenesisHash: MainnetCheckpointOracle, RopstenGenesisHash: RopstenCheckpointOracle, RinkebyGenesisHash: RinkebyCheckpointOracle, GoerliGenesisHash: GoerliCheckpointOracle,}
    var ( // MainnetChainConfig is the chain parameters to run a node on the main network. MainnetChainConfig = &ChainConfig{ ChainID: big.NewInt(1), HomesteadBlock: big.NewInt(1_150_000), DAOForkBlock: big.NewInt(1_920_000), DAOForkSupport: true, EIP150Block: big.NewInt(2_463_000), EIP150Hash: common.HexToHash(\\\"0x2086799aeebeae135c246c65021c82b4e15a2c451340993aacfd2751886514f0\\\"), EIP155Block: big.NewInt(2_675_000), EIP158Block: big.NewInt(2_675_000), ByzantiumBlock: big.NewInt(4_370_000), ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(7_280_000), PetersburgBlock: big.NewInt(7_280_000), IstanbulBlock: big.NewInt(9_069_000), MuirGlacierBlock: big.NewInt(9_200_000), BerlinBlock: big.NewInt(12_244_000), Ethash: new(EthashConfig), }
    // MainnetTrustedCheckpoint contains the light client trusted checkpoint for the main network. MainnetTrustedCheckpoint = &TrustedCheckpoint{ SectionIndex: 371, SectionHead: common.HexToHash(\\\"0x50fd3cec5376ede90ef9129772022690cd1467f22c18abb7faa11e793c51e9c9\\\"), CHTRoot: common.HexToHash(\\\"0xb57b4b22a77b5930847b1ca9f62daa11eae6578948cb7b18997f2c0fe5757025\\\"), BloomRoot: common.HexToHash(\\\"0xa338f8a868a194fa90327d0f5877f656a9f3640c618d2a01a01f2e76ef9ef954\\\"), }
    // MainnetCheckpointOracle contains a set of configs for the main network oracle. MainnetCheckpointOracle = &CheckpointOracleConfig{ Address: common.HexToAddress(\\\"0x9a9070028361F7AAbeB3f2F2Dc07F82C4a98A02a\\\"), Signers: []common.Address{ common.HexToAddress(\\\"0x1b2C260efc720BE89101890E4Db589b44E950527\\\"), // Peter common.HexToAddress(\\\"0x78d1aD571A1A09D60D9BBf25894b44e4C8859595\\\"), // Martin common.HexToAddress(\\\"0x286834935f4A8Cfb4FF4C77D5770C2775aE2b0E7\\\"), // Zsolt common.HexToAddress(\\\"0xb86e2B0Ab5A4B1373e40c51A7C712c70Ba2f9f8E\\\"), // Gary common.HexToAddress(\\\"0x0DF8fa387C602AE62559cC4aFa4972A7045d6707\\\"), // Guillaume }, Threshold: 2, }
    // RopstenChainConfig contains the chain parameters to run a node on the Ropsten test network. RopstenChainConfig = &ChainConfig{ ChainID: big.NewInt(3), HomesteadBlock: big.NewInt(0), DAOForkBlock: nil, DAOForkSupport: true, EIP150Block: big.NewInt(0), EIP150Hash: common.HexToHash(\\\"0x41941023680923e0fe4d74a34bdac8141f2540e3ae90623718e47d66d1ca4a2d\\\"), EIP155Block: big.NewInt(10), EIP158Block: big.NewInt(10), ByzantiumBlock: big.NewInt(1_700_000), ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(4_230_000), PetersburgBlock: big.NewInt(4_939_394), IstanbulBlock: big.NewInt(6_485_846), MuirGlacierBlock: big.NewInt(7_117_117), BerlinBlock: big.NewInt(9_812_189), Ethash: new(EthashConfig), }
    // RopstenTrustedCheckpoint contains the light client trusted checkpoint for the Ropsten test network. RopstenTrustedCheckpoint = &TrustedCheckpoint{ SectionIndex: 279, SectionHead: common.HexToHash(\\\"0x4a4912848d4c06090097073357c10015d11c6f4544a0f93cbdd584701c3b7d58\\\"), CHTRoot: common.HexToHash(\\\"0x9053b7867ae921e80a4e2f5a4b15212e4af3d691ca712fb33dc150e9c6ea221c\\\"), BloomRoot: common.HexToHash(\\\"0x3dc04cb1be7ddc271f3f83469b47b76184a79d7209ef51d85b1539ea6d25a645\\\"), }
    // RopstenCheckpointOracle contains a set of configs for the Ropsten test network oracle. RopstenCheckpointOracle = &CheckpointOracleConfig{ Address: common.HexToAddress(\\\"0xEF79475013f154E6A65b54cB2742867791bf0B84\\\"), Signers: []common.Address{ common.HexToAddress(\\\"0x32162F3581E88a5f62e8A61892B42C46E2c18f7b\\\"), // Peter common.HexToAddress(\\\"0x78d1aD571A1A09D60D9BBf25894b44e4C8859595\\\"), // Martin common.HexToAddress(\\\"0x286834935f4A8Cfb4FF4C77D5770C2775aE2b0E7\\\"), // Zsolt common.HexToAddress(\\\"0xb86e2B0Ab5A4B1373e40c51A7C712c70Ba2f9f8E\\\"), // Gary common.HexToAddress(\\\"0x0DF8fa387C602AE62559cC4aFa4972A7045d6707\\\"), // Guillaume }, Threshold: 2, }
    // RinkebyChainConfig contains the chain parameters to run a node on the Rinkeby test network. RinkebyChainConfig = &ChainConfig{ ChainID: big.NewInt(4), HomesteadBlock: big.NewInt(1), DAOForkBlock: nil, DAOForkSupport: true, EIP150Block: big.NewInt(2), EIP150Hash: common.HexToHash(\\\"0x9b095b36c15eaf13044373aef8ee0bd3a382a5abb92e402afa44b8249c3a90e9\\\"), EIP155Block: big.NewInt(3), EIP158Block: big.NewInt(3), ByzantiumBlock: big.NewInt(1_035_301), ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(3_660_663), PetersburgBlock: big.NewInt(4_321_234), IstanbulBlock: big.NewInt(5_435_345), MuirGlacierBlock: nil, BerlinBlock: big.NewInt(8_290_928), Clique: &CliqueConfig{ Period: 15, Epoch: 30000, }, }
    // RinkebyTrustedCheckpoint contains the light client trusted checkpoint for the Rinkeby test network. RinkebyTrustedCheckpoint = &TrustedCheckpoint{ SectionIndex: 254, SectionHead: common.HexToHash(\\\"0x0cba01dd71baa22ac8fa0b105bc908e94f9ecfbc79b4eb97427fe07b5851dd10\\\"), CHTRoot: common.HexToHash(\\\"0x5673d8fc49c9c7d8729068640e4b392d46952a5a38798973bac1cf1d0d27ad7d\\\"), BloomRoot: common.HexToHash(\\\"0x70e01232b66df9a7778ae3291c9217afb9a2d9f799f32d7b912bd37e7bce83a8\\\"), }
    // RinkebyCheckpointOracle contains a set of configs for the Rinkeby test network oracle. RinkebyCheckpointOracle = &CheckpointOracleConfig{ Address: common.HexToAddress(\\\"0xebe8eFA441B9302A0d7eaECc277c09d20D684540\\\"), Signers: []common.Address{ common.HexToAddress(\\\"0xd9c9cd5f6779558b6e0ed4e6acf6b1947e7fa1f3\\\"), // Peter common.HexToAddress(\\\"0x78d1aD571A1A09D60D9BBf25894b44e4C8859595\\\"), // Martin common.HexToAddress(\\\"0x286834935f4A8Cfb4FF4C77D5770C2775aE2b0E7\\\"), // Zsolt common.HexToAddress(\\\"0xb86e2B0Ab5A4B1373e40c51A7C712c70Ba2f9f8E\\\"), // Gary }, Threshold: 2, }
    // GoerliChainConfig contains the chain parameters to run a node on the G?rli test network. GoerliChainConfig = &ChainConfig{ ChainID: big.NewInt(5), HomesteadBlock: big.NewInt(0), DAOForkBlock: nil, DAOForkSupport: true, EIP150Block: big.NewInt(0), EIP155Block: big.NewInt(0), EIP158Block: big.NewInt(0), ByzantiumBlock: big.NewInt(0), ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0), PetersburgBlock: big.NewInt(0), IstanbulBlock: big.NewInt(1_561_651), MuirGlacierBlock: nil, BerlinBlock: big.NewInt(4_460_644), Clique: &CliqueConfig{ Period: 15, Epoch: 30000, }, }
    // GoerliTrustedCheckpoint contains the light client trusted checkpoint for the G?rli test network. GoerliTrustedCheckpoint = &TrustedCheckpoint{ SectionIndex: 138, SectionHead: common.HexToHash(\\\"0xb7ea0566abd7d0def5b3c9afa3431debb7bb30b65af35f106ca93a59e6c859a7\\\"), CHTRoot: common.HexToHash(\\\"0x378c7ea9081242beb982e2e39567ba12f2ed3e59e5aba3f9db1d595646d7c9f4\\\"), BloomRoot: common.HexToHash(\\\"0x523c169286cfca52e8a6579d8c35dc8bf093412d8a7478163bfa81ae91c2492d\\\"), }
    // GoerliCheckpointOracle contains a set of configs for the Goerli test network oracle. GoerliCheckpointOracle = &CheckpointOracleConfig{ Address: common.HexToAddress(\\\"0x18CA0E045F0D772a851BC7e48357Bcaab0a0795D\\\"), Signers: []common.Address{ common.HexToAddress(\\\"0x4769bcaD07e3b938B7f43EB7D278Bc7Cb9efFb38\\\"), // Peter common.HexToAddress(\\\"0x78d1aD571A1A09D60D9BBf25894b44e4C8859595\\\"), // Martin common.HexToAddress(\\\"0x286834935f4A8Cfb4FF4C77D5770C2775aE2b0E7\\\"), // Zsolt common.HexToAddress(\\\"0xb86e2B0Ab5A4B1373e40c51A7C712c70Ba2f9f8E\\\"), // Gary common.HexToAddress(\\\"0x0DF8fa387C602AE62559cC4aFa4972A7045d6707\\\"), // Guillaume }, Threshold: 2, }
    // YoloV3ChainConfig contains the chain parameters to run a node on the YOLOv3 test network. YoloV3ChainConfig = &ChainConfig{ ChainID: new(big.Int).SetBytes([]byte(\\\"yolov3x\\\")), HomesteadBlock: big.NewInt(0), DAOForkBlock: nil, DAOForkSupport: true, EIP150Block: big.NewInt(0), EIP155Block: big.NewInt(0), EIP158Block: big.NewInt(0), ByzantiumBlock: big.NewInt(0), ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0), PetersburgBlock: big.NewInt(0), IstanbulBlock: big.NewInt(0), MuirGlacierBlock: nil, BerlinBlock: nil, // Don\\\'t enable Berlin directly, we\\\'re YOLOing it YoloV3Block: big.NewInt(0), Clique: &CliqueConfig{ Period: 15, Epoch: 30000, }, }
    // AllEthashProtocolChanges contains every protocol change (EIPs) introduced // and accepted by the Ethereum core developers into the Ethash consensus. // // This configuration is intentionally not using keyed fields to force anyone // adding flags to the config to also have to set these fields. AllEthashProtocolChanges = &ChainConfig{big.NewInt(1337), big.NewInt(0), nil, false, big.NewInt(0), common.Hash{}, big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), nil, nil, new(EthashConfig), nil}
    // AllCliqueProtocolChanges contains every protocol change (EIPs) introduced // and accepted by the Ethereum core developers into the Clique consensus. // // This configuration is intentionally not using keyed fields to force anyone // adding flags to the config to also have to set these fields. AllCliqueProtocolChanges = &ChainConfig{big.NewInt(1337), big.NewInt(0), nil, false, big.NewInt(0), common.Hash{}, big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), nil, nil, nil, &CliqueConfig{Period: 0, Epoch: 30000}}
    TestChainConfig = &ChainConfig{big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(0), nil, false, big.NewInt(0), common.Hash{}, big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), nil, nil, new(EthashConfig), nil} TestRules = TestChainConfig.Rules(new(big.Int)))


    ./geth init <genesispath>


    // filedir: go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\cmd\\\\geth\\\\chaincmd.go  L38var (  initCommand = cli.Command{    Action:    utils.MigrateFlags(initGenesis),    Name:      \\\"init\\\",    Usage:     \\\"Bootstrap and initialize a new genesis block\\\",    ArgsUsage: \\\"<genesisPath>\\\",    Flags: []cli.Flag{      utils.DataDirFlag,    },    Category: \\\"BLOCKCHAIN COMMANDS\\\",    Description: `The init command initializes a new genesis block and definition for the network.This is a destructive action and changes the network in which you will beparticipating.
    It expects the genesis file as argument.`, }


    // filedir:go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\cmd\\\\geth\\\\chaincmd.go  L172// initGenesis will initialise the given JSON format genesis file and writes it as// the zero\\\'d block (i.e. genesis) or will fail hard if it can\\\'t succeed.func initGenesis(ctx *cli.Context) error {  // Make sure we have a valid genesis JSON  genesisPath := ctx.Args().First()  if len(genesisPath) == 0 {    utils.Fatalf(\\\"Must supply path to genesis JSON file\\\")  }  file, err := os.Open(genesisPath)  if err != nil {    utils.Fatalf(\\\"Failed to read genesis file: %v\\\", err)  }  defer file.Close()
    genesis := new(core.Genesis) if err := json.NewDecoder(file).Decode(genesis); err != nil { utils.Fatalf(\\\"invalid genesis file: %v\\\", err) } // Open and initialise both full and light databases stack, _ := makeConfigNode(ctx) defer stack.Close()
    for _, name := range []string{\\\"chaindata\\\", \\\"lightchaindata\\\"} { chaindb, err := stack.OpenDatabase(name, 0, 0, \\\"\\\", false) if err != nil { utils.Fatalf(\\\"Failed to open database: %v\\\", err) } _, hash, err := core.SetupGenesisBlock(chaindb, genesis) if err != nil { utils.Fatalf(\\\"Failed to write genesis block: %v\\\", err) } chaindb.Close() log.Info(\\\"Successfully wrote genesis state\\\", \\\"database\\\", name, \\\"hash\\\", hash) } return nil}


    // filedir: go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\core\\\\genesis.go  L142// SetupGenesisBlock writes or updates the genesis block in db.// The block that will be used is:////                          genesis == nil       genesis != nil//                       +------------------------------------------//     db has no genesis |  main-net default  |  genesis//     db has genesis    |  from DB           |  genesis (if compatible)//// The stored chain configuration will be updated if it is compatible (i.e. does not// specify a fork block below the local head block). In case of a conflict, the// error is a *params.ConfigCompatError and the new, unwritten config is returned.//// The returned chain configuration is never nil.func SetupGenesisBlock(db ethdb.Database, genesis *Genesis) (*params.ChainConfig, common.Hash, error) {  return SetupGenesisBlockWithOverride(db, genesis, nil)}
    func SetupGenesisBlockWithOverride(db ethdb.Database, genesis *Genesis, overrideBerlin *big.Int) (*params.ChainConfig, common.Hash, error) { if genesis != nil && genesis.Config == nil { return params.AllEthashProtocolChanges, common.Hash{}, errGenesisNoConfig } // Just commit the new block if there is no stored genesis block. stored := rawdb.ReadCanonicalHash(db, 0) if (stored == common.Hash{}) { if genesis == nil { log.Info(\\\"Writing default main-net genesis block\\\") genesis = DefaultGenesisBlock() } else { log.Info(\\\"Writing custom genesis block\\\") } block, err := genesis.Commit(db) if err != nil { return genesis.Config, common.Hash{}, err } return genesis.Config, block.Hash(), nil } // We have the genesis block in database(perhaps in ancient database) // but the corresponding state is missing. header := rawdb.ReadHeader(db, stored, 0) if _, err := state.New(header.Root, state.NewDatabaseWithConfig(db, nil), nil); err != nil { if genesis == nil { genesis = DefaultGenesisBlock() } // Ensure the stored genesis matches with the given one. hash := genesis.ToBlock(nil).Hash() if hash != stored { return genesis.Config, hash, &GenesisMismatchError{stored, hash} } block, err := genesis.Commit(db) if err != nil { return genesis.Config, hash, err } return genesis.Config, block.Hash(), nil } // Check whether the genesis block is already written. if genesis != nil { hash := genesis.ToBlock(nil).Hash() if hash != stored { return genesis.Config, hash, &GenesisMismatchError{stored, hash} } } // Get the existing chain configuration. newcfg := genesis.configOrDefault(stored) if overrideBerlin != nil { newcfg.BerlinBlock = overrideBerlin } if err := newcfg.CheckConfigForkOrder(); err != nil { return newcfg, common.Hash{}, err } storedcfg := rawdb.ReadChainConfig(db, stored) if storedcfg == nil { log.Warn(\\\"Found genesis block without chain config\\\") rawdb.WriteChainConfig(db, stored, newcfg) return newcfg, stored, nil } // Special case: don\\\'t change the existing config of a non-mainnet chain if no new // config is supplied. These chains would get AllProtocolChanges (and a compat error) // if we just continued here. if genesis == nil && stored != params.MainnetGenesisHash { return storedcfg, stored, nil } // Check config compatibility and write the config. Compatibility errors // are returned to the caller unless we\\\'re already at block zero. height := rawdb.ReadHeaderNumber(db, rawdb.ReadHeadHeaderHash(db)) if height == nil { return newcfg, stored, fmt.Errorf(\\\"missing block number for head header hash\\\") } compatErr := storedcfg.CheckCompatible(newcfg, *height) if compatErr != nil && *height != 0 && compatErr.RewindTo != 0 { return newcfg, stored, compatErr } rawdb.WriteChainConfig(db, stored, newcfg) return newcfg, stored, nil}


    // filedir:go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\core\\\\genesis.go  L338// DefaultGenesisBlock returns the Ethereum main net genesis block.func DefaultGenesisBlock() *Genesis {  return &Genesis{    Config:     params.MainnetChainConfig,    Nonce:      66,    ExtraData:  hexutil.MustDecode(\\\"0x11bbe8db4e347b4e8c937c1c8370e4b5ed33adb3db69cbdb7a38e1e50b1b82fa\\\"),    GasLimit:   5000,    Difficulty: big.NewInt(17179869184),    Alloc:      decodePrealloc(mainnetAllocData),  }}


    // The block is committed as the canonical head block.func (g *Genesis) Commit(db ethdb.Database) (*types.Block, error) {  block := g.ToBlock(db)  if block.Number().Sign() != 0 {    return nil, fmt.Errorf(\\\"can\\\'t commit genesis block with number > 0\\\")  }  config := g.Config  if config == nil {    config = params.AllEthashProtocolChanges  }  if err := config.CheckConfigForkOrder(); err != nil {    return nil, err  }  rawdb.WriteTd(db, block.Hash(), block.NumberU64(), g.Difficulty)  rawdb.WriteBlock(db, block)  rawdb.WriteReceipts(db, block.Hash(), block.NumberU64(), nil)  rawdb.WriteCanonicalHash(db, block.Hash(), block.NumberU64())  rawdb.WriteHeadBlockHash(db, block.Hash())  rawdb.WriteHeadFastBlockHash(db, block.Hash())  rawdb.WriteHeadHeaderHash(db, block.Hash())  rawdb.WriteChainConfig(db, block.Hash(), config)  return block, nil}



    // filedir:go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\miner\\\\worker.go  L432// mainLoop is a standalone goroutine to regenerate the sealing task based on the received event.func (w *worker) mainLoop() {  defer w.txsSub.Unsubscribe()  defer w.chainHeadSub.Unsubscribe()  defer w.chainSideSub.Unsubscribe()
    for { select { case req := <-w.newWorkCh: w.commitNewWork(req.interrupt, req.noempty, req.timestamp)
    case ev := <-w.chainSideCh: ......
    case ev := <-w.txsCh: // Apply transactions to the pending state if we\\\'re not mining. // // Note all transactions received may not be continuous with transactions // already included in the current mining block. These transactions will // be automatically eliminated. if !w.isRunning() && w.current != nil { // If block is already full, abort if gp := w.current.gasPool; gp != nil && gp.Gas() < params.TxGas { continue } ...... if tcount != w.current.tcount { w.updateSnapshot() } ...... // System stopped case <-w.exitCh: return case <-w.txsSub.Err(): return case <-w.chainHeadSub.Err(): return case <-w.chainSideSub.Err(): return } }}


      // filedir:go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\miner\\\\worker.go  L705// updateSnapshot updates pending snapshot block and state.// Note this function assumes the current variable is thread safe.func (w *worker) updateSnapshot() {  w.snapshotMu.Lock()  defer w.snapshotMu.Unlock()
      var uncles []*types.Header w.current.uncles.Each(func(item interface{}) bool { hash, ok := item.(common.Hash) if !ok { return false } uncle, exist := w.localUncles[hash] if !exist { uncle, exist = w.remoteUncles[hash] } if !exist { return false } uncles = append(uncles, uncle.Header()) return false })
      w.snapshotBlock = types.NewBlock( w.current.header, w.current.txs, uncles, w.current.receipts, trie.NewStackTrie(nil), ) w.snapshotState = w.current.state.Copy()}


      // filedir:go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\core\\\\types\\\\block.go  L198// NewBlock creates a new block. The input data is copied,// changes to header and to the field values will not affect the// block.//// The values of TxHash, UncleHash, ReceiptHash and Bloom in header// are ignored and set to values derived from the given txs, uncles// and receipts.func NewBlock(header *Header, txs []*Transaction, uncles []*Header, receipts []*Receipt, hasher TrieHasher) *Block {  b := &Block{header: CopyHeader(header), td: new(big.Int)}
      // TODO: panic if len(txs) != len(receipts) if len(txs) == 0 { b.header.TxHash = EmptyRootHash } else { b.header.TxHash = DeriveSha(Transactions(txs), hasher) b.transactions = make(Transactions, len(txs)) copy(b.transactions, txs) }
      if len(receipts) == 0 { b.header.ReceiptHash = EmptyRootHash } else { b.header.ReceiptHash = DeriveSha(Receipts(receipts), hasher) b.header.Bloom = CreateBloom(receipts) }
      if len(uncles) == 0 { b.header.UncleHash = EmptyUncleHash } else { b.header.UncleHash = CalcUncleHash(uncles) b.uncles = make([]*Header, len(uncles)) for i := range uncles { b.uncles[i] = CopyHeader(uncles[i]) } }
      return b}



      1. 挖矿节点在成功挖掘到一个区块并向链上提交区块时,节点回先校验区块是否合法

      2. 用户通过API接口向节点提交区块到区块链时,节点回验证区块是否合法

      3. 同步区块时,节点收到其他节点同步过来的区块,节点会先验证同步的区块是否合法,如果合法则将其加入到本地链中

      4. 矿池中的节点向矿池提交工作时,矿池会验证矿机提交的区块


      // filedir:go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\core\\\\block_validator.go   L48// ValidateBody validates the given block\\\'s uncles and verifies the block// header\\\'s transaction and uncle roots. The headers are assumed to be already// validated at this point.func (v *BlockValidator) ValidateBody(block *types.Block) error {    // Check whether the block\\\'s known, and if not, that it\\\'s linkable    if v.bc.HasBlockAndState(block.Hash(), block.NumberU64()) {        return ErrKnownBlock    }    // Header validity is known at this point, check the uncles and transactions    header := block.Header()    if err := v.engine.VerifyUncles(v.bc, block); err != nil {        return err    }    if hash := types.CalcUncleHash(block.Uncles()); hash != header.UncleHash {        return fmt.Errorf(\\\"uncle root hash mismatch: have %x, want %x\\\", hash, header.UncleHash)    }    if hash := types.DeriveSha(block.Transactions(), trie.NewStackTrie(nil)); hash != header.TxHash {        return fmt.Errorf(\\\"transaction root hash mismatch: have %x, want %x\\\", hash, header.TxHash)    }    if !v.bc.HasBlockAndState(block.ParentHash(), block.NumberU64()-1) {        if !v.bc.HasBlock(block.ParentHash(), block.NumberU64()-1) {            return consensus.ErrUnknownAncestor        }        return consensus.ErrPrunedAncestor    }    return nil}


      // VerifyUncles verifies that the given block\\\'s uncles conform to the consensus// rules of the stock Ethereum ethash engine.func (ethash *Ethash) VerifyUncles(chain consensus.ChainReader, block *types.Block) error {    // If we\\\'re running a full engine faking, accept any input as valid    if ethash.config.PowMode == ModeFullFake {        return nil    }    // Verify that there are at most 2 uncles included in this block    if len(block.Uncles()) > maxUncles {        return errTooManyUncles    }    if len(block.Uncles()) == 0 {        return nil    }    // Gather the set of past uncles and ancestors    uncles, ancestors := mapset.NewSet(), make(map[common.Hash]*types.Header)
      number, parent := block.NumberU64()-1, block.ParentHash() for i := 0; i < 7; i++ { ancestor := chain.GetBlock(parent, number) if ancestor == nil { break } ancestors[ancestor.Hash()] = ancestor.Header() for _, uncle := range ancestor.Uncles() { uncles.Add(uncle.Hash()) } parent, number = ancestor.ParentHash(), number-1 } ancestors[block.Hash()] = block.Header() uncles.Add(block.Hash())
      // Verify each of the uncles that it\\\'s recent, but not an ancestor for _, uncle := range block.Uncles() { // Make sure every uncle is rewarded only once hash := uncle.Hash() if uncles.Contains(hash) { return errDuplicateUncle } uncles.Add(hash)
      // Make sure the uncle has a valid ancestry if ancestors[hash] != nil { return errUncleIsAncestor } if ancestors[uncle.ParentHash] == nil || uncle.ParentHash == block.ParentHash() { return errDanglingUncle } if err := ethash.verifyHeader(chain, uncle, ancestors[uncle.ParentHash], true, true, time.Now().Unix()); err != nil { return err } } return nil}


      // filedir:go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\consensus\\\\ethash\\\\consensus.go  L88// VerifyHeader checks whether a header conforms to the consensus rules of the// stock Ethereum ethash engine.func (ethash *Ethash) VerifyHeader(chain consensus.ChainHeaderReader, header *types.Header, seal bool) error {  // If we\\\'re running a full engine faking, accept any input as valid  if ethash.config.PowMode == ModeFullFake {    return nil  }  // Short circuit if the header is known, or its parent not  number := header.Number.Uint64()  if chain.GetHeader(header.Hash(), number) != nil {    return nil  }  parent := chain.GetHeader(header.ParentHash, number-1)  if parent == nil {    return consensus.ErrUnknownAncestor  }  // Sanity checks passed, do a proper verification  return ethash.verifyHeader(chain, header, parent, false, seal, time.Now().Unix())}

      在上述代码中会校验区块hash是否已经存在,之后通过chain.GetHeader来获取父区块的Hash值,之后检查父区块是否存在,然后调用verifyHeader进行后续检查,具体代码如下,这里会后续检查区块头中的Extra(额外可附加数据)是否超过最大范围,之后检查区块头的时间戳、检查区块难度(根据区块时间戳和父块的难度验证块的难度的合法性)、验证gas上限、验证使用的Gas是否超过Gaslimit、gaslimit是否在允许范围之内、验证区块的编号是否是父区块+1、验证区块是否满足共识要求  、如果全部通过则验证关键的区块头字段信息以及硬分叉:

        // filedir:go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\consensus\\\\ethash\\\\consensus.go  L242// verifyHeader checks whether a header conforms to the consensus rules of the// stock Ethereum ethash engine.// See YP section 4.3.4. \\\"Block Header Validity\\\"func (ethash *Ethash) verifyHeader(chain consensus.ChainHeaderReader, header, parent *types.Header, uncle bool, seal bool, unixNow int64) error {  // Ensure that the header\\\'s extra-data section is of a reasonable size  if uint64(len(header.Extra)) > params.MaximumExtraDataSize {    return fmt.Errorf(\\\"extra-data too long: %d > %d\\\", len(header.Extra), params.MaximumExtraDataSize)  }  // Verify the header\\\'s timestamp  if !uncle {    if header.Time > uint64(unixNow+allowedFutureBlockTimeSeconds) {      return consensus.ErrFutureBlock    }  }  if header.Time <= parent.Time {    return errOlderBlockTime  }  // Verify the block\\\'s difficulty based on its timestamp and parent\\\'s difficulty  expected := ethash.CalcDifficulty(chain, header.Time, parent)
        if expected.Cmp(header.Difficulty) != 0 { return fmt.Errorf(\\\"invalid difficulty: have %v, want %v\\\", header.Difficulty, expected) } // Verify that the gas limit is <= 2^63-1 cap := uint64(0x7fffffffffffffff) if header.GasLimit > cap { return fmt.Errorf(\\\"invalid gasLimit: have %v, max %v\\\", header.GasLimit, cap) } // Verify that the gasUsed is <= gasLimit if header.GasUsed > header.GasLimit { return fmt.Errorf(\\\"invalid gasUsed: have %d, gasLimit %d\\\", header.GasUsed, header.GasLimit) }
        // Verify that the gas limit remains within allowed bounds diff := int64(parent.GasLimit) - int64(header.GasLimit) if diff < 0 { diff *= -1 } limit := parent.GasLimit / params.GasLimitBoundDivisor
        if uint64(diff) >= limit || header.GasLimit < params.MinGasLimit { return fmt.Errorf(\\\"invalid gas limit: have %d, want %d += %d\\\", header.GasLimit, parent.GasLimit, limit) } // Verify that the block number is parent\\\'s +1 if diff := new(big.Int).Sub(header.Number, parent.Number); diff.Cmp(big.NewInt(1)) != 0 { return consensus.ErrInvalidNumber } // Verify the engine specific seal securing the block if seal { if err := ethash.verifySeal(chain, header, false); err != nil { return err } } // If all checks passed, validate any special fields for hard forks if err := misc.VerifyDAOHeaderExtraData(chain.Config(), header); err != nil { return err } if err := misc.VerifyForkHashes(chain.Config(), header, uncle); err != nil { return err } return nil}


        // filedir:go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\consensus\\\\ethash\\\\consensus.go  L490// verifySeal checks whether a block satisfies the PoW difficulty requirements,// either using the usual ethash cache for it, or alternatively using a full DAG// to make remote mining fast.func (ethash *Ethash) verifySeal(chain consensus.ChainHeaderReader, header *types.Header, fulldag bool) error {  // If we\\\'re running a fake PoW, accept any seal as valid  if ethash.config.PowMode == ModeFake || ethash.config.PowMode == ModeFullFake {    time.Sleep(ethash.fakeDelay)    if ethash.fakeFail == header.Number.Uint64() {      return errInvalidPoW    }    return nil  }  // If we\\\'re running a shared PoW, delegate verification to it  if ethash.shared != nil {    return ethash.shared.verifySeal(chain, header, fulldag)  }  // Ensure that we have a valid difficulty for the block  if header.Difficulty.Sign() <= 0 {    return errInvalidDifficulty  }  // Recompute the digest and PoW values  number := header.Number.Uint64()
        var ( digest []byte result []byte ) // If fast-but-heavy PoW verification was requested, use an ethash dataset if fulldag { dataset := ethash.dataset(number, true) if dataset.generated() { digest, result = hashimotoFull(dataset.dataset, ethash.SealHash(header).Bytes(), header.Nonce.Uint64())
        // Datasets are unmapped in a finalizer. Ensure that the dataset stays alive // until after the call to hashimotoFull so it\\\'s not unmapped while being used. runtime.KeepAlive(dataset) } else { // Dataset not yet generated, don\\\'t hang, use a cache instead fulldag = false } } // If slow-but-light PoW verification was requested (or DAG not yet ready), use an ethash cache if !fulldag { cache := ethash.cache(number)
        size := datasetSize(number) if ethash.config.PowMode == ModeTest { size = 32 * 1024 } digest, result = hashimotoLight(size, cache.cache, ethash.SealHash(header).Bytes(), header.Nonce.Uint64())
        // Caches are unmapped in a finalizer. Ensure that the cache stays alive // until after the call to hashimotoLight so it\\\'s not unmapped while being used. runtime.KeepAlive(cache) } // Verify the calculated values against the ones provided in the header if !bytes.Equal(header.MixDigest[:], digest) { return errInvalidMixDigest } target := new(big.Int).Div(two256, header.Difficulty) if new(big.Int).SetBytes(result).Cmp(target) > 0 { return errInvalidPoW } return nil}


        // filedir:go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\consensus\\\\misc\\\\forks.go  L26// VerifyForkHashes verifies that blocks conforming to network hard-forks do have// the correct hashes, to avoid clients going off on different chains. This is an// optional feature.func VerifyForkHashes(config *params.ChainConfig, header *types.Header, uncle bool) error {  // We don\\\'t care about uncles  if uncle {    return nil  }  // If the homestead reprice hash is set, validate it  if config.EIP150Block != nil && config.EIP150Block.Cmp(header.Number) == 0 {    if config.EIP150Hash != (common.Hash{}) && config.EIP150Hash != header.Hash() {      return fmt.Errorf(\\\"homestead gas reprice fork: have 0x%x, want 0x%x\\\", header.Hash(), config.EIP150Hash)    }  }  // All ok, return  return nil}



        // filedir:go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\consensus\\\\ethash\\\\consensus.go  L304// CalcDifficulty is the difficulty adjustment algorithm. It returns// the difficulty that a new block should have when created at time// given the parent block\\\'s time and difficulty.func (ethash *Ethash) CalcDifficulty(chain consensus.ChainHeaderReader, time uint64, parent *types.Header) *big.Int {  return CalcDifficulty(chain.Config(), time, parent)}
        // CalcDifficulty is the difficulty adjustment algorithm. It returns// the difficulty that a new block should have when created at time// given the parent block\\\'s time and difficulty.func CalcDifficulty(config *params.ChainConfig, time uint64, parent *types.Header) *big.Int { next := new(big.Int).Add(parent.Number, big1) switch { case config.IsMuirGlacier(next): return calcDifficultyEip2384(time, parent) case config.IsConstantinople(next): return calcDifficultyConstantinople(time, parent) case config.IsByzantium(next): return calcDifficultyByzantium(time, parent) case config.IsHomestead(next): return calcDifficultyHomestead(time, parent) default: return calcDifficultyFrontier(time, parent) }}


        // filedir:go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\consensus\\\\ethash\\\\consensus.go  L404// calcDifficultyHomestead is the difficulty adjustment algorithm. It returns// the difficulty that a new block should have when created at time given the// parent block\\\'s time and difficulty. The calculation uses the Homestead rules.func calcDifficultyHomestead(time uint64, parent *types.Header) *big.Int {  // https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-2.md  // algorithm:  // diff = (parent_diff +  //         (parent_diff / 2048 * max(1 - (block_timestamp - parent_timestamp) // 10, -99))  //        ) + 2^(periodCount - 2)
        bigTime := new(big.Int).SetUint64(time) bigParentTime := new(big.Int).SetUint64(parent.Time)
        // holds intermediate values to make the algo easier to read & audit x := new(big.Int) y := new(big.Int)
        // 1 - (block_timestamp - parent_timestamp) // 10 x.Sub(bigTime, bigParentTime) x.Div(x, big10) x.Sub(big1, x)
        // max(1 - (block_timestamp - parent_timestamp) // 10, -99) if x.Cmp(bigMinus99) < 0 { x.Set(bigMinus99) } // (parent_diff + parent_diff // 2048 * max(1 - (block_timestamp - parent_timestamp) // 10, -99)) y.Div(parent.Difficulty, params.DifficultyBoundDivisor) x.Mul(y, x) x.Add(parent.Difficulty, x)
        // minimum difficulty can ever be (before exponential factor) if x.Cmp(params.MinimumDifficulty) < 0 { x.Set(params.MinimumDifficulty) } // for the exponential factor periodCount := new(big.Int).Add(parent.Number, big1) periodCount.Div(periodCount, expDiffPeriod)
        // the exponential factor, commonly referred to as \\\"the bomb\\\" // diff = diff + 2^(periodCount - 2) if periodCount.Cmp(big1) > 0 { y.Sub(periodCount, big2) y.Exp(big2, y, nil) x.Add(x, y) } return x}


        diff = (parent_diff + (parent_diff / 2048 * max(1 - (block_timestamp - parent_timestamp)))) + 2^(periodCount - 2)



        geth ——> makeFullNode ——> RegisterEthService ——> eth.New ——> core.NewBlockChain


          // filedir:go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\eth\\\\backend.go  L98// New creates a new Ethereum object (including the// initialisation of the common Ethereum object)func New(stack *node.Node, config *ethconfig.Config) (*Ethereum, error) {  // Ensure configuration values are compatible and sane  if config.SyncMode == downloader.LightSync {    return nil, errors.New(\\\"can\\\'t run eth.Ethereum in light sync mode, use les.LightEthereum\\\")  }  if !config.SyncMode.IsValid() {    return nil, fmt.Errorf(\\\"invalid sync mode %d\\\", config.SyncMode)  }  if config.Miner.GasPrice == nil || config.Miner.GasPrice.Cmp(common.Big0) <= 0 {    log.Warn(\\\"Sanitizing invalid miner gas price\\\", \\\"provided\\\", config.Miner.GasPrice, \\\"updated\\\", ethconfig.Defaults.Miner.GasPrice)    config.Miner.GasPrice = new(big.Int).Set(ethconfig.Defaults.Miner.GasPrice)  }  if config.NoPruning && config.TrieDirtyCache > 0 {    if config.SnapshotCache > 0 {      config.TrieCleanCache += config.TrieDirtyCache * 3 / 5      config.SnapshotCache += config.TrieDirtyCache * 2 / 5    } else {      config.TrieCleanCache += config.TrieDirtyCache    }    config.TrieDirtyCache = 0  }  log.Info(\\\"Allocated trie memory caches\\\", \\\"clean\\\", common.StorageSize(config.TrieCleanCache)*1024*1024, \\\"dirty\\\", common.StorageSize(config.TrieDirtyCache)*1024*1024)
          // Transfer mining-related config to the ethash config. ethashConfig := config.Ethash ethashConfig.NotifyFull = config.Miner.NotifyFull
          // Assemble the Ethereum object chainDb, err := stack.OpenDatabaseWithFreezer(\\\"chaindata\\\", config.DatabaseCache, config.DatabaseHandles, config.DatabaseFreezer, \\\"eth/db/chaindata/\\\", false) if err != nil { return nil, err } chainConfig, genesisHash, genesisErr := core.SetupGenesisBlockWithOverride(chainDb, config.Genesis, config.OverrideBerlin) if _, ok := genesisErr.(*params.ConfigCompatError); genesisErr != nil && !ok { return nil, genesisErr } log.Info(\\\"Initialised chain configuration\\\", \\\"config\\\", chainConfig)
          if err := pruner.RecoverPruning(stack.ResolvePath(\\\"\\\"), chainDb, stack.ResolvePath(config.TrieCleanCacheJournal)); err != nil { log.Error(\\\"Failed to recover state\\\", \\\"error\\\", err) } eth := &Ethereum{ config: config, chainDb: chainDb, eventMux: stack.EventMux(), accountManager: stack.AccountManager(), engine: ethconfig.CreateConsensusEngine(stack, chainConfig, &ethashConfig, config.Miner.Notify, config.Miner.Noverify, chainDb), closeBloomHandler: make(chan struct{}), networkID: config.NetworkId, gasPrice: config.Miner.GasPrice, etherbase: config.Miner.Etherbase, bloomRequests: make(chan chan *bloombits.Retrieval), bloomIndexer: core.NewBloomIndexer(chainDb, params.BloomBitsBlocks, params.BloomConfirms), p2pServer: stack.Server(), }
          bcVersion := rawdb.ReadDatabaseVersion(chainDb) var dbVer = \\\"<nil>\\\" if bcVersion != nil { dbVer = fmt.Sprintf(\\\"%d\\\", *bcVersion) } log.Info(\\\"Initialising Ethereum protocol\\\", \\\"network\\\", config.NetworkId, \\\"dbversion\\\", dbVer)
          if !config.SkipBcVersionCheck { if bcVersion != nil && *bcVersion > core.BlockChainVersion { return nil, fmt.Errorf(\\\"database version is v%d, Geth %s only supports v%d\\\", *bcVersion, params.VersionWithMeta, core.BlockChainVersion) } else if bcVersion == nil || *bcVersion < core.BlockChainVersion { log.Warn(\\\"Upgrade blockchain database version\\\", \\\"from\\\", dbVer, \\\"to\\\", core.BlockChainVersion) rawdb.WriteDatabaseVersion(chainDb, core.BlockChainVersion) } } var ( vmConfig = vm.Config{ EnablePreimageRecording: config.EnablePreimageRecording, EWASMInterpreter: config.EWASMInterpreter, EVMInterpreter: config.EVMInterpreter, } cacheConfig = &core.CacheConfig{ TrieCleanLimit: config.TrieCleanCache, TrieCleanJournal: stack.ResolvePath(config.TrieCleanCacheJournal), TrieCleanRejournal: config.TrieCleanCacheRejournal, TrieCleanNoPrefetch: config.NoPrefetch, TrieDirtyLimit: config.TrieDirtyCache, TrieDirtyDisabled: config.NoPruning, TrieTimeLimit: config.TrieTimeout, SnapshotLimit: config.SnapshotCache, Preimages: config.Preimages, } ) eth.blockchain, err = core.NewBlockChain(chainDb, cacheConfig, chainConfig, eth.engine, vmConfig, eth.shouldPreserve, &config.TxLookupLimit) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Rewind the chain in case of an incompatible config upgrade. if compat, ok := genesisErr.(*params.ConfigCompatError); ok { log.Warn(\\\"Rewinding chain to upgrade configuration\\\", \\\"err\\\", compat) eth.blockchain.SetHead(compat.RewindTo) rawdb.WriteChainConfig(chainDb, genesisHash, chainConfig) } eth.bloomIndexer.Start(eth.blockchain)
          if config.TxPool.Journal != \\\"\\\" { config.TxPool.Journal = stack.ResolvePath(config.TxPool.Journal) } eth.txPool = core.NewTxPool(config.TxPool, chainConfig, eth.blockchain)
          // Permit the downloader to use the trie cache allowance during fast sync cacheLimit := cacheConfig.TrieCleanLimit + cacheConfig.TrieDirtyLimit + cacheConfig.SnapshotLimit checkpoint := config.Checkpoint if checkpoint == nil { checkpoint = params.TrustedCheckpoints[genesisHash] } if eth.handler, err = newHandler(&handlerConfig{ Database: chainDb, Chain: eth.blockchain, TxPool: eth.txPool, Network: config.NetworkId, Sync: config.SyncMode, BloomCache: uint64(cacheLimit), EventMux: eth.eventMux, Checkpoint: checkpoint, Whitelist: config.Whitelist, }); err != nil { return nil, err } eth.miner = miner.New(eth, &config.Miner, chainConfig, eth.EventMux(), eth.engine, eth.isLocalBlock) eth.miner.SetExtra(makeExtraData(config.Miner.ExtraData))
          eth.APIBackend = &EthAPIBackend{stack.Config().ExtRPCEnabled(), stack.Config().AllowUnprotectedTxs, eth, nil} if eth.APIBackend.allowUnprotectedTxs { log.Info(\\\"Unprotected transactions allowed\\\") } gpoParams := config.GPO if gpoParams.Default == nil { gpoParams.Default = config.Miner.GasPrice } eth.APIBackend.gpo = gasprice.NewOracle(eth.APIBackend, gpoParams)
          eth.ethDialCandidates, err = setupDiscovery(eth.config.EthDiscoveryURLs) if err != nil { return nil, err } eth.snapDialCandidates, err = setupDiscovery(eth.config.SnapDiscoveryURLs) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Start the RPC service eth.netRPCService = ethapi.NewPublicNetAPI(eth.p2pServer, config.NetworkId)
          // Register the backend on the node stack.RegisterAPIs(eth.APIs()) stack.RegisterProtocols(eth.Protocols()) stack.RegisterLifecycle(eth) // Check for unclean shutdown if uncleanShutdowns, discards, err := rawdb.PushUncleanShutdownMarker(chainDb); err != nil { log.Error(\\\"Could not update unclean-shutdown-marker list\\\", \\\"error\\\", err) } else { if discards > 0 { log.Warn(\\\"Old unclean shutdowns found\\\", \\\"count\\\", discards) } for _, tstamp := range uncleanShutdowns { t := time.Unix(int64(tstamp), 0) log.Warn(\\\"Unclean shutdown detected\\\", \\\"booted\\\", t, \\\"age\\\", common.PrettyAge(t)) } } return eth, nil}


          • 创建各种lru缓存(最近最少使用的算法)

          • 初始化triegc(用于垃圾回收的区块number对应的优先级队列)、stateCache、NewBlockValidator()、NewStateProcessor()、NewStateProcessor

          • NewHeaderChain()初始化区块头部链

          • bc.genesisBlock = bc.GetBlockByNumber(0) 获取创世区块

          • bc.loadLastState() 加载最新的状态数据

          • 检查本地区块链上是否有bad block,如果有调用bc.SetHead回到硬分叉之前的区块头

          • go bc.update()定时处理future block

          // filedir:go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\core\\\\blockchain.go L214// NewBlockChain returns a fully initialised block chain using information// available in the database. It initialises the default Ethereum Validator and// Processor.func NewBlockChain(db ethdb.Database, cacheConfig *CacheConfig, chainConfig *params.ChainConfig, engine consensus.Engine, vmConfig vm.Config, shouldPreserve func(block *types.Block) bool, txLookupLimit *uint64) (*BlockChain, error) {  if cacheConfig == nil {    cacheConfig = defaultCacheConfig  }  bodyCache, _ := lru.New(bodyCacheLimit)  bodyRLPCache, _ := lru.New(bodyCacheLimit)  receiptsCache, _ := lru.New(receiptsCacheLimit)  blockCache, _ := lru.New(blockCacheLimit)  txLookupCache, _ := lru.New(txLookupCacheLimit)  futureBlocks, _ := lru.New(maxFutureBlocks)
          bc := &BlockChain{ chainConfig: chainConfig, cacheConfig: cacheConfig, db: db, triegc: prque.New(nil), stateCache: state.NewDatabaseWithConfig(db, &trie.Config{ Cache: cacheConfig.TrieCleanLimit, Journal: cacheConfig.TrieCleanJournal, Preimages: cacheConfig.Preimages, }), quit: make(chan struct{}), shouldPreserve: shouldPreserve, bodyCache: bodyCache, bodyRLPCache: bodyRLPCache, receiptsCache: receiptsCache, blockCache: blockCache, txLookupCache: txLookupCache, futureBlocks: futureBlocks, engine: engine, vmConfig: vmConfig, } bc.validator = NewBlockValidator(chainConfig, bc, engine) bc.prefetcher = newStatePrefetcher(chainConfig, bc, engine) bc.processor = NewStateProcessor(chainConfig, bc, engine)
          var err error bc.hc, err = NewHeaderChain(db, chainConfig, engine, bc.insertStopped) if err != nil { return nil, err } bc.genesisBlock = bc.GetBlockByNumber(0) if bc.genesisBlock == nil { return nil, ErrNoGenesis }
          var nilBlock *types.Block bc.currentBlock.Store(nilBlock) bc.currentFastBlock.Store(nilBlock)
          // Initialize the chain with ancient data if it isn\\\'t empty. var txIndexBlock uint64
          if bc.empty() { rawdb.InitDatabaseFromFreezer(bc.db) // If ancient database is not empty, reconstruct all missing // indices in the background. frozen, _ := bc.db.Ancients() if frozen > 0 { txIndexBlock = frozen } } if err := bc.loadLastState(); err != nil { //加载最新的状态 return nil, err } // Make sure the state associated with the block is available head := bc.CurrentBlock() if _, err := state.New(head.Root(), bc.stateCache, bc.snaps); err != nil { // Head state is missing, before the state recovery, find out the // disk layer point of snapshot(if it\\\'s enabled). Make sure the // rewound point is lower than disk layer. var diskRoot common.Hash if bc.cacheConfig.SnapshotLimit > 0 { diskRoot = rawdb.ReadSnapshotRoot(bc.db) } if diskRoot != (common.Hash{}) { log.Warn(\\\"Head state missing, repairing\\\", \\\"number\\\", head.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", head.Hash(), \\\"snaproot\\\", diskRoot)
          snapDisk, err := bc.SetHeadBeyondRoot(head.NumberU64(), diskRoot) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Chain rewound, persist old snapshot number to indicate recovery procedure if snapDisk != 0 { rawdb.WriteSnapshotRecoveryNumber(bc.db, snapDisk) } } else { log.Warn(\\\"Head state missing, repairing\\\", \\\"number\\\", head.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", head.Hash()) if err := bc.SetHead(head.NumberU64()); err != nil { return nil, err } } } // Ensure that a previous crash in SetHead doesn\\\'t leave extra ancients if frozen, err := bc.db.Ancients(); err == nil && frozen > 0 { var ( needRewind bool low uint64 ) // The head full block may be rolled back to a very low height due to // blockchain repair. If the head full block is even lower than the ancient // chain, truncate the ancient store. fullBlock := bc.CurrentBlock() if fullBlock != nil && fullBlock.Hash() != bc.genesisBlock.Hash() && fullBlock.NumberU64() < frozen-1 { needRewind = true low = fullBlock.NumberU64() } // In fast sync, it may happen that ancient data has been written to the // ancient store, but the LastFastBlock has not been updated, truncate the // extra data here. fastBlock := bc.CurrentFastBlock() if fastBlock != nil && fastBlock.NumberU64() < frozen-1 { needRewind = true if fastBlock.NumberU64() < low || low == 0 { low = fastBlock.NumberU64() } } if needRewind { log.Error(\\\"Truncating ancient chain\\\", \\\"from\\\", bc.CurrentHeader().Number.Uint64(), \\\"to\\\", low) if err := bc.SetHead(low); err != nil { return nil, err } } } // The first thing the node will do is reconstruct the verification data for // the head block (ethash cache or clique voting snapshot). Might as well do // it in advance. bc.engine.VerifyHeader(bc, bc.CurrentHeader(), true)
          // Check the current state of the block hashes and make sure that we do not have any of the bad blocks in our chain for hash := range BadHashes { if header := bc.GetHeaderByHash(hash); header != nil { // get the canonical block corresponding to the offending header\\\'s number headerByNumber := bc.GetHeaderByNumber(header.Number.Uint64()) // make sure the headerByNumber (if present) is in our current canonical chain if headerByNumber != nil && headerByNumber.Hash() == header.Hash() { log.Error(\\\"Found bad hash, rewinding chain\\\", \\\"number\\\", header.Number, \\\"hash\\\", header.ParentHash) if err := bc.SetHead(header.Number.Uint64() - 1); err != nil { return nil, err } log.Error(\\\"Chain rewind was successful, resuming normal operation\\\") } } } // Load any existing snapshot, regenerating it if loading failed if bc.cacheConfig.SnapshotLimit > 0 { // If the chain was rewound past the snapshot persistent layer (causing // a recovery block number to be persisted to disk), check if we\\\'re still // in recovery mode and in that case, don\\\'t invalidate the snapshot on a // head mismatch. var recover bool
          head := bc.CurrentBlock() if layer := rawdb.ReadSnapshotRecoveryNumber(bc.db); layer != nil && *layer > head.NumberU64() { log.Warn(\\\"Enabling snapshot recovery\\\", \\\"chainhead\\\", head.NumberU64(), \\\"diskbase\\\", *layer) recover = true } bc.snaps, _ = snapshot.New(bc.db, bc.stateCache.TrieDB(), bc.cacheConfig.SnapshotLimit, head.Root(), !bc.cacheConfig.SnapshotWait, true, recover) } // Take ownership of this particular state go bc.update() if txLookupLimit != nil { bc.txLookupLimit = *txLookupLimit
          bc.wg.Add(1) go bc.maintainTxIndex(txIndexBlock) } // If periodic cache journal is required, spin it up. if bc.cacheConfig.TrieCleanRejournal > 0 { if bc.cacheConfig.TrieCleanRejournal < time.Minute { log.Warn(\\\"Sanitizing invalid trie cache journal time\\\", \\\"provided\\\", bc.cacheConfig.TrieCleanRejournal, \\\"updated\\\", time.Minute) bc.cacheConfig.TrieCleanRejournal = time.Minute } triedb := bc.stateCache.TrieDB() bc.wg.Add(1) go func() { defer bc.wg.Done() triedb.SaveCachePeriodically(bc.cacheConfig.TrieCleanJournal, bc.cacheConfig.TrieCleanRejournal, bc.quit) }() } return bc, nil}

          这里的\\”bc.genesisBlock = bc.GetBlockByNumber(0)\\”用于检索创世区块是否存在,如果不存在则直接

            bc.genesisBlock = bc.GetBlockByNumber(0)  if bc.genesisBlock == nil {    return nil, ErrNoGenesis  }


              if bc.empty() {    rawdb.InitDatabaseFromFreezer(bc.db)    // If ancient database is not empty, reconstruct all missing    // indices in the background.    frozen, _ := bc.db.Ancients()    if frozen > 0 {      txIndexBlock = frozen    }  }


            // loadLastState loads the last known chain state from the database. This method// assumes that the chain manager mutex is held.func (bc *BlockChain) loadLastState() error {  // Restore the last known head block  head := rawdb.ReadHeadBlockHash(bc.db)  if head == (common.Hash{}) {    // Corrupt or empty database, init from scratch    log.Warn(\\\"Empty database, resetting chain\\\")    return bc.Reset()  }  // Make sure the entire head block is available  currentBlock := bc.GetBlockByHash(head)  if currentBlock == nil {    // Corrupt or empty database, init from scratch    log.Warn(\\\"Head block missing, resetting chain\\\", \\\"hash\\\", head)    return bc.Reset()  }  // Everything seems to be fine, set as the head block  bc.currentBlock.Store(currentBlock)  headBlockGauge.Update(int64(currentBlock.NumberU64()))
            // Restore the last known head header currentHeader := currentBlock.Header() if head := rawdb.ReadHeadHeaderHash(bc.db); head != (common.Hash{}) { if header := bc.GetHeaderByHash(head); header != nil { currentHeader = header } } bc.hc.SetCurrentHeader(currentHeader)
            // Restore the last known head fast block bc.currentFastBlock.Store(currentBlock) headFastBlockGauge.Update(int64(currentBlock.NumberU64()))
            if head := rawdb.ReadHeadFastBlockHash(bc.db); head != (common.Hash{}) { if block := bc.GetBlockByHash(head); block != nil { bc.currentFastBlock.Store(block) headFastBlockGauge.Update(int64(block.NumberU64())) } } // Issue a status log for the user currentFastBlock := bc.CurrentFastBlock()
            headerTd := bc.GetTd(currentHeader.Hash(), currentHeader.Number.Uint64()) blockTd := bc.GetTd(currentBlock.Hash(), currentBlock.NumberU64()) fastTd := bc.GetTd(currentFastBlock.Hash(), currentFastBlock.NumberU64())
            log.Info(\\\"Loaded most recent local header\\\", \\\"number\\\", currentHeader.Number, \\\"hash\\\", currentHeader.Hash(), \\\"td\\\", headerTd, \\\"age\\\", common.PrettyAge(time.Unix(int64(currentHeader.Time), 0))) log.Info(\\\"Loaded most recent local full block\\\", \\\"number\\\", currentBlock.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", currentBlock.Hash(), \\\"td\\\", blockTd, \\\"age\\\", common.PrettyAge(time.Unix(int64(currentBlock.Time()), 0))) log.Info(\\\"Loaded most recent local fast block\\\", \\\"number\\\", currentFastBlock.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", currentFastBlock.Hash(), \\\"td\\\", fastTd, \\\"age\\\", common.PrettyAge(time.Unix(int64(currentFastBlock.Time()), 0))) if pivot := rawdb.ReadLastPivotNumber(bc.db); pivot != nil { log.Info(\\\"Loaded last fast-sync pivot marker\\\", \\\"number\\\", *pivot) } return nil}


            // filedir:go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\core\\\\blockchain.go  L476// SetHead rewinds the local chain to a new head. Depending on whether the node// was fast synced or full synced and in which state, the method will try to// delete minimal data from disk whilst retaining chain consistency.func (bc *BlockChain) SetHead(head uint64) error {  _, err := bc.SetHeadBeyondRoot(head, common.Hash{})  return err}
            // SetHeadBeyondRoot rewinds the local chain to a new head with the extra condition// that the rewind must pass the specified state root. This method is meant to be// used when rewiding with snapshots enabled to ensure that we go back further than// persistent disk layer. Depending on whether the node was fast synced or full, and// in which state, the method will try to delete minimal data from disk whilst// retaining chain consistency.//// The method returns the block number where the requested root cap was found.func (bc *BlockChain) SetHeadBeyondRoot(head uint64, root common.Hash) (uint64, error) { bc.chainmu.Lock() defer bc.chainmu.Unlock()
            // Track the block number of the requested root hash var rootNumber uint64 // (no root == always 0)
            // Retrieve the last pivot block to short circuit rollbacks beyond it and the // current freezer limit to start nuking id underflown pivot := rawdb.ReadLastPivotNumber(bc.db) frozen, _ := bc.db.Ancients()
            updateFn := func(db ethdb.KeyValueWriter, header *types.Header) (uint64, bool) { // Rewind the block chain, ensuring we don\\\'t end up with a stateless head // block. Note, depth equality is permitted to allow using SetHead as a // chain reparation mechanism without deleting any data! if currentBlock := bc.CurrentBlock(); currentBlock != nil && header.Number.Uint64() <= currentBlock.NumberU64() { newHeadBlock := bc.GetBlock(header.Hash(), header.Number.Uint64()) if newHeadBlock == nil { log.Error(\\\"Gap in the chain, rewinding to genesis\\\", \\\"number\\\", header.Number, \\\"hash\\\", header.Hash()) newHeadBlock = bc.genesisBlock } else { // Block exists, keep rewinding until we find one with state, // keeping rewinding until we exceed the optional threshold // root hash beyondRoot := (root == common.Hash{}) // Flag whether we\\\'re beyond the requested root (no root, always true)
            for { // If a root threshold was requested but not yet crossed, check if root != (common.Hash{}) && !beyondRoot && newHeadBlock.Root() == root { beyondRoot, rootNumber = true, newHeadBlock.NumberU64() } if _, err := state.New(newHeadBlock.Root(), bc.stateCache, bc.snaps); err != nil { log.Trace(\\\"Block state missing, rewinding further\\\", \\\"number\\\", newHeadBlock.NumberU64(), \\\"hash\\\", newHeadBlock.Hash()) if pivot == nil || newHeadBlock.NumberU64() > *pivot { parent := bc.GetBlock(newHeadBlock.ParentHash(), newHeadBlock.NumberU64()-1) if parent != nil { newHeadBlock = parent continue } log.Error(\\\"Missing block in the middle, aiming genesis\\\", \\\"number\\\", newHeadBlock.NumberU64()-1, \\\"hash\\\", newHeadBlock.ParentHash()) newHeadBlock = bc.genesisBlock } else { log.Trace(\\\"Rewind passed pivot, aiming genesis\\\", \\\"number\\\", newHeadBlock.NumberU64(), \\\"hash\\\", newHeadBlock.Hash(), \\\"pivot\\\", *pivot) newHeadBlock = bc.genesisBlock } } if beyondRoot || newHeadBlock.NumberU64() == 0 { log.Debug(\\\"Rewound to block with state\\\", \\\"number\\\", newHeadBlock.NumberU64(), \\\"hash\\\", newHeadBlock.Hash()) break } log.Debug(\\\"Skipping block with threshold state\\\", \\\"number\\\", newHeadBlock.NumberU64(), \\\"hash\\\", newHeadBlock.Hash(), \\\"root\\\", newHeadBlock.Root()) newHeadBlock = bc.GetBlock(newHeadBlock.ParentHash(), newHeadBlock.NumberU64()-1) // Keep rewinding } } rawdb.WriteHeadBlockHash(db, newHeadBlock.Hash())
            // Degrade the chain markers if they are explicitly reverted. // In theory we should update all in-memory markers in the // last step, however the direction of SetHead is from high // to low, so it\\\'s safe the update in-memory markers directly. bc.currentBlock.Store(newHeadBlock) headBlockGauge.Update(int64(newHeadBlock.NumberU64())) } // Rewind the fast block in a simpleton way to the target head if currentFastBlock := bc.CurrentFastBlock(); currentFastBlock != nil && header.Number.Uint64() < currentFastBlock.NumberU64() { newHeadFastBlock := bc.GetBlock(header.Hash(), header.Number.Uint64()) // If either blocks reached nil, reset to the genesis state if newHeadFastBlock == nil { newHeadFastBlock = bc.genesisBlock } rawdb.WriteHeadFastBlockHash(db, newHeadFastBlock.Hash())
            // Degrade the chain markers if they are explicitly reverted. // In theory we should update all in-memory markers in the // last step, however the direction of SetHead is from high // to low, so it\\\'s safe the update in-memory markers directly. bc.currentFastBlock.Store(newHeadFastBlock) headFastBlockGauge.Update(int64(newHeadFastBlock.NumberU64())) } head := bc.CurrentBlock().NumberU64()
            // If setHead underflown the freezer threshold and the block processing // intent afterwards is full block importing, delete the chain segment // between the stateful-block and the sethead target. var wipe bool if head+1 < frozen { wipe = pivot == nil || head >= *pivot } return head, wipe // Only force wipe if full synced } // Rewind the header chain, deleting all block bodies until then delFn := func(db ethdb.KeyValueWriter, hash common.Hash, num uint64) { // Ignore the error here since light client won\\\'t hit this path frozen, _ := bc.db.Ancients() if num+1 <= frozen { // Truncate all relative data(header, total difficulty, body, receipt // and canonical hash) from ancient store. if err := bc.db.TruncateAncients(num); err != nil { log.Crit(\\\"Failed to truncate ancient data\\\", \\\"number\\\", num, \\\"err\\\", err) } // Remove the hash <-> number mapping from the active store. rawdb.DeleteHeaderNumber(db, hash) } else { // Remove relative body and receipts from the active store. // The header, total difficulty and canonical hash will be // removed in the hc.SetHead function. rawdb.DeleteBody(db, hash, num) rawdb.DeleteReceipts(db, hash, num) } // Todo(rjl493456442) txlookup, bloombits, etc } // If SetHead was only called as a chain reparation method, try to skip // touching the header chain altogether, unless the freezer is broken if block := bc.CurrentBlock(); block.NumberU64() == head { if target, force := updateFn(bc.db, block.Header()); force { bc.hc.SetHead(target, updateFn, delFn) } } else { // Rewind the chain to the requested head and keep going backwards until a // block with a state is found or fast sync pivot is passed log.Warn(\\\"Rewinding blockchain\\\", \\\"target\\\", head) bc.hc.SetHead(head, updateFn, delFn) } // Clear out any stale content from the caches bc.bodyCache.Purge() bc.bodyRLPCache.Purge() bc.receiptsCache.Purge() bc.blockCache.Purge() bc.txLookupCache.Purge() bc.futureBlocks.Purge()
            return rootNumber, bc.loadLastState()}


            // loadLastState loads the last known chain state from the database. This method// assumes that the chain manager mutex is held.func (bc *BlockChain) loadLastState() error {  // Restore the last known head block  head := rawdb.ReadHeadBlockHash(bc.db)  if head == (common.Hash{}) {    // Corrupt or empty database, init from scratch    log.Warn(\\\"Empty database, resetting chain\\\")    return bc.Reset()  }  // Make sure the entire head block is available  currentBlock := bc.GetBlockByHash(head)  if currentBlock == nil {    // Corrupt or empty database, init from scratch    log.Warn(\\\"Head block missing, resetting chain\\\", \\\"hash\\\", head)    return bc.Reset()  }  // Everything seems to be fine, set as the head block  bc.currentBlock.Store(currentBlock)  headBlockGauge.Update(int64(currentBlock.NumberU64()))
            // Restore the last known head header currentHeader := currentBlock.Header() if head := rawdb.ReadHeadHeaderHash(bc.db); head != (common.Hash{}) { if header := bc.GetHeaderByHash(head); header != nil { currentHeader = header } } bc.hc.SetCurrentHeader(currentHeader)
            // Restore the last known head fast block bc.currentFastBlock.Store(currentBlock) headFastBlockGauge.Update(int64(currentBlock.NumberU64()))
            if head := rawdb.ReadHeadFastBlockHash(bc.db); head != (common.Hash{}) { if block := bc.GetBlockByHash(head); block != nil { bc.currentFastBlock.Store(block) headFastBlockGauge.Update(int64(block.NumberU64())) } } // Issue a status log for the user currentFastBlock := bc.CurrentFastBlock()
            headerTd := bc.GetTd(currentHeader.Hash(), currentHeader.Number.Uint64()) blockTd := bc.GetTd(currentBlock.Hash(), currentBlock.NumberU64()) fastTd := bc.GetTd(currentFastBlock.Hash(), currentFastBlock.NumberU64())
            log.Info(\\\"Loaded most recent local header\\\", \\\"number\\\", currentHeader.Number, \\\"hash\\\", currentHeader.Hash(), \\\"td\\\", headerTd, \\\"age\\\", common.PrettyAge(time.Unix(int64(currentHeader.Time), 0))) log.Info(\\\"Loaded most recent local full block\\\", \\\"number\\\", currentBlock.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", currentBlock.Hash(), \\\"td\\\", blockTd, \\\"age\\\", common.PrettyAge(time.Unix(int64(currentBlock.Time()), 0))) log.Info(\\\"Loaded most recent local fast block\\\", \\\"number\\\", currentFastBlock.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", currentFastBlock.Hash(), \\\"td\\\", fastTd, \\\"age\\\", common.PrettyAge(time.Unix(int64(currentFastBlock.Time()), 0))) if pivot := rawdb.ReadLastPivotNumber(bc.db); pivot != nil { log.Info(\\\"Loaded last fast-sync pivot marker\\\", \\\"number\\\", *pivot) } return nil}

            之后节点开始重建头块的验证数据(ethash缓存或投票快照),在这里会通过\\”go bc.update()\\”定时处理future block:

            func NewBlockChain(db ethdb.Database, cacheConfig *CacheConfig, chainConfig *params.ChainConfig, engine consensus.Engine, vmConfig vm.Config, shouldPreserve func(block *types.Block) bool, txLookupLimit *uint64) (*BlockChain, error) {  if cacheConfig == nil {     ......  // Load any existing snapshot, regenerating it if loading failed  if bc.cacheConfig.SnapshotLimit > 0 {    // If the chain was rewound past the snapshot persistent layer (causing    // a recovery block number to be persisted to disk), check if we\\\'re still    // in recovery mode and in that case, don\\\'t invalidate the snapshot on a    // head mismatch.    var recover bool
            head := bc.CurrentBlock() if layer := rawdb.ReadSnapshotRecoveryNumber(bc.db); layer != nil && *layer > head.NumberU64() { log.Warn(\\\"Enabling snapshot recovery\\\", \\\"chainhead\\\", head.NumberU64(), \\\"diskbase\\\", *layer) recover = true } bc.snaps, _ = snapshot.New(bc.db, bc.stateCache.TrieDB(), bc.cacheConfig.SnapshotLimit, head.Root(), !bc.cacheConfig.SnapshotWait, true, recover) } // Take ownership of this particular state go bc.update() if txLookupLimit != nil { bc.txLookupLimit = *txLookupLimit
            bc.wg.Add(1) go bc.maintainTxIndex(txIndexBlock) } // If periodic cache journal is required, spin it up. if bc.cacheConfig.TrieCleanRejournal > 0 { if bc.cacheConfig.TrieCleanRejournal < time.Minute { log.Warn(\\\"Sanitizing invalid trie cache journal time\\\", \\\"provided\\\", bc.cacheConfig.TrieCleanRejournal, \\\"updated\\\", time.Minute) bc.cacheConfig.TrieCleanRejournal = time.Minute } triedb := bc.stateCache.TrieDB() bc.wg.Add(1) go func() { defer bc.wg.Done() triedb.SaveCachePeriodically(bc.cacheConfig.TrieCleanJournal, bc.cacheConfig.TrieCleanRejournal, bc.quit) }() } return bc, nil}



            // Reset purges the entire blockchain, restoring it to its genesis state.func (bc *BlockChain) Reset() error {  return bc.ResetWithGenesisBlock(bc.genesisBlock)}
            // ResetWithGenesisBlock purges the entire blockchain, restoring it to the// specified genesis state.func (bc *BlockChain) ResetWithGenesisBlock(genesis *types.Block) error { // Dump the entire block chain and purge the caches if err := bc.SetHead(0); err != nil { return err } bc.chainmu.Lock() defer bc.chainmu.Unlock()
            // Prepare the genesis block and reinitialise the chain batch := bc.db.NewBatch() rawdb.WriteTd(batch, genesis.Hash(), genesis.NumberU64(), genesis.Difficulty()) rawdb.WriteBlock(batch, genesis) if err := batch.Write(); err != nil { log.Crit(\\\"Failed to write genesis block\\\", \\\"err\\\", err) } bc.writeHeadBlock(genesis)
            // Last update all in-memory chain markers bc.genesisBlock = genesis bc.currentBlock.Store(bc.genesisBlock) headBlockGauge.Update(int64(bc.genesisBlock.NumberU64())) bc.hc.SetGenesis(bc.genesisBlock.Header()) bc.hc.SetCurrentHeader(bc.genesisBlock.Header()) bc.currentFastBlock.Store(bc.genesisBlock) headFastBlockGauge.Update(int64(bc.genesisBlock.NumberU64())) return nil}



            // filedir:go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\core\\\\blockchain.go  L1654// InsertChain attempts to insert the given batch of blocks in to the canonical// chain or, otherwise, create a fork. If an error is returned it will return// the index number of the failing block as well an error describing what went// wrong.//// After insertion is done, all accumulated events will be fired.func (bc *BlockChain) InsertChain(chain types.Blocks) (int, error) {  // Sanity check that we have something meaningful to import  if len(chain) == 0 {    return 0, nil  }
            bc.blockProcFeed.Send(true) defer bc.blockProcFeed.Send(false)
            // Remove already known canon-blocks var ( block, prev *types.Block ) // Do a sanity check that the provided chain is actually ordered and linked for i := 1; i < len(chain); i++ { block = chain[i] prev = chain[i-1] if block.NumberU64() != prev.NumberU64()+1 || block.ParentHash() != prev.Hash() { // Chain broke ancestry, log a message (programming error) and skip insertion log.Error(\\\"Non contiguous block insert\\\", \\\"number\\\", block.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", block.Hash(), \\\"parent\\\", block.ParentHash(), \\\"prevnumber\\\", prev.Number(), \\\"prevhash\\\", prev.Hash())
            return 0, fmt.Errorf(\\\"non contiguous insert: item %d is #%d [%x…], item %d is #%d [%x…] (parent [%x…])\\\", i-1, prev.NumberU64(), prev.Hash().Bytes()[:4], i, block.NumberU64(), block.Hash().Bytes()[:4], block.ParentHash().Bytes()[:4]) } } // Pre-checks passed, start the full block imports bc.wg.Add(1) bc.chainmu.Lock() n, err := bc.insertChain(chain, true) bc.chainmu.Unlock() bc.wg.Done()
            return n, err}


            // filedir:go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\core\\\\blockchain.go L1696// insertChain is the internal implementation of InsertChain, which assumes that// 1) chains are contiguous, and 2) The chain mutex is held.//// This method is split out so that import batches that require re-injecting// historical blocks can do so without releasing the lock, which could lead to// racey behaviour. If a sidechain import is in progress, and the historic state// is imported, but then new canon-head is added before the actual sidechain// completes, then the historic state could be pruned againfunc (bc *BlockChain) insertChain(chain types.Blocks, verifySeals bool) (int, error) {  // If the chain is terminating, don\\\'t even bother starting up  if atomic.LoadInt32(&bc.procInterrupt) == 1 {    return 0, nil  }  // Start a parallel signature recovery (signer will fluke on fork transition, minimal perf loss)  senderCacher.recoverFromBlocks(types.MakeSigner(bc.chainConfig, chain[0].Number()), chain)
            var ( stats = insertStats{startTime: mclock.Now()} lastCanon *types.Block ) // Fire a single chain head event if we\\\'ve progressed the chain defer func() { if lastCanon != nil && bc.CurrentBlock().Hash() == lastCanon.Hash() { bc.chainHeadFeed.Send(ChainHeadEvent{lastCanon}) } }() // Start the parallel header verifier headers := make([]*types.Header, len(chain)) seals := make([]bool, len(chain))
            for i, block := range chain { headers[i] = block.Header() seals[i] = verifySeals } abort, results := bc.engine.VerifyHeaders(bc, headers, seals) defer close(abort)
            // Peek the error for the first block to decide the directing import logic it := newInsertIterator(chain, results, bc.validator)
            block, err := it.next()
            // Left-trim all the known blocks if err == ErrKnownBlock { // First block (and state) is known // 1. We did a roll-back, and should now do a re-import // 2. The block is stored as a sidechain, and is lying about it\\\'s stateroot, and passes a stateroot // from the canonical chain, which has not been verified. // Skip all known blocks that are behind us var ( current = bc.CurrentBlock() localTd = bc.GetTd(current.Hash(), current.NumberU64()) externTd = bc.GetTd(block.ParentHash(), block.NumberU64()-1) // The first block can\\\'t be nil ) for block != nil && err == ErrKnownBlock { externTd = new(big.Int).Add(externTd, block.Difficulty()) if localTd.Cmp(externTd) < 0 { break } log.Debug(\\\"Ignoring already known block\\\", \\\"number\\\", block.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", block.Hash()) stats.ignored++
            block, err = it.next() } // The remaining blocks are still known blocks, the only scenario here is: // During the fast sync, the pivot point is already submitted but rollback // happens. Then node resets the head full block to a lower height via `rollback` // and leaves a few known blocks in the database. // // When node runs a fast sync again, it can re-import a batch of known blocks via // `insertChain` while a part of them have higher total difficulty than current // head full block(new pivot point). for block != nil && err == ErrKnownBlock { log.Debug(\\\"Writing previously known block\\\", \\\"number\\\", block.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", block.Hash()) if err := bc.writeKnownBlock(block); err != nil { return it.index, err } lastCanon = block
            block, err = it.next() } // Falls through to the block import } switch { // First block is pruned, insert as sidechain and reorg only if TD grows enough case errors.Is(err, consensus.ErrPrunedAncestor): log.Debug(\\\"Pruned ancestor, inserting as sidechain\\\", \\\"number\\\", block.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", block.Hash()) return bc.insertSideChain(block, it)
            // First block is future, shove it (and all children) to the future queue (unknown ancestor) case errors.Is(err, consensus.ErrFutureBlock) || (errors.Is(err, consensus.ErrUnknownAncestor) && bc.futureBlocks.Contains(it.first().ParentHash())): for block != nil && (it.index == 0 || errors.Is(err, consensus.ErrUnknownAncestor)) { log.Debug(\\\"Future block, postponing import\\\", \\\"number\\\", block.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", block.Hash()) if err := bc.addFutureBlock(block); err != nil { return it.index, err } block, err = it.next() } stats.queued += it.processed() stats.ignored += it.remaining()
            // If there are any still remaining, mark as ignored return it.index, err
            // Some other error occurred, abort case err != nil: bc.futureBlocks.Remove(block.Hash()) stats.ignored += len(it.chain) bc.reportBlock(block, nil, err) return it.index, err } // No validation errors for the first block (or chain prefix skipped) var activeState *state.StateDB defer func() { // The chain importer is starting and stopping trie prefetchers. If a bad // block or other error is hit however, an early return may not properly // terminate the background threads. This defer ensures that we clean up // and dangling prefetcher, without defering each and holding on live refs. if activeState != nil { activeState.StopPrefetcher() } }()
            for ; block != nil && err == nil || err == ErrKnownBlock; block, err = it.next() { // If the chain is terminating, stop processing blocks if bc.insertStopped() { log.Debug(\\\"Abort during block processing\\\") break } // If the header is a banned one, straight out abort if BadHashes[block.Hash()] { bc.reportBlock(block, nil, ErrBlacklistedHash) return it.index, ErrBlacklistedHash } // If the block is known (in the middle of the chain), it\\\'s a special case for // Clique blocks where they can share state among each other, so importing an // older block might complete the state of the subsequent one. In this case, // just skip the block (we already validated it once fully (and crashed), since // its header and body was already in the database). if err == ErrKnownBlock { logger := log.Debug if bc.chainConfig.Clique == nil { logger = log.Warn } logger(\\\"Inserted known block\\\", \\\"number\\\", block.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", block.Hash(), \\\"uncles\\\", len(block.Uncles()), \\\"txs\\\", len(block.Transactions()), \\\"gas\\\", block.GasUsed(), \\\"root\\\", block.Root())
            // Special case. Commit the empty receipt slice if we meet the known // block in the middle. It can only happen in the clique chain. Whenever // we insert blocks via `insertSideChain`, we only commit `td`, `header` // and `body` if it\\\'s non-existent. Since we don\\\'t have receipts without // reexecution, so nothing to commit. But if the sidechain will be adpoted // as the canonical chain eventually, it needs to be reexecuted for missing // state, but if it\\\'s this special case here(skip reexecution) we will lose // the empty receipt entry. if len(block.Transactions()) == 0 { rawdb.WriteReceipts(bc.db, block.Hash(), block.NumberU64(), nil) } else { log.Error(\\\"Please file an issue, skip known block execution without receipt\\\", \\\"hash\\\", block.Hash(), \\\"number\\\", block.NumberU64()) } if err := bc.writeKnownBlock(block); err != nil { return it.index, err } stats.processed++
            // We can assume that logs are empty here, since the only way for consecutive // Clique blocks to have the same state is if there are no transactions. lastCanon = block continue } // Retrieve the parent block and it\\\'s state to execute on top start := time.Now()
            parent := it.previous() if parent == nil { parent = bc.GetHeader(block.ParentHash(), block.NumberU64()-1) } statedb, err := state.New(parent.Root, bc.stateCache, bc.snaps) if err != nil { return it.index, err } // Enable prefetching to pull in trie node paths while processing transactions statedb.StartPrefetcher(\\\"chain\\\") activeState = statedb
            // If we have a followup block, run that against the current state to pre-cache // transactions and probabilistically some of the account/storage trie nodes. var followupInterrupt uint32 if !bc.cacheConfig.TrieCleanNoPrefetch { if followup, err := it.peek(); followup != nil && err == nil { throwaway, _ := state.New(parent.Root, bc.stateCache, bc.snaps)
            go func(start time.Time, followup *types.Block, throwaway *state.StateDB, interrupt *uint32) { bc.prefetcher.Prefetch(followup, throwaway, bc.vmConfig, &followupInterrupt)
            blockPrefetchExecuteTimer.Update(time.Since(start)) if atomic.LoadUint32(interrupt) == 1 { blockPrefetchInterruptMeter.Mark(1) } }(time.Now(), followup, throwaway, &followupInterrupt) } } // Process block using the parent state as reference point substart := time.Now() receipts, logs, usedGas, err := bc.processor.Process(block, statedb, bc.vmConfig) if err != nil { bc.reportBlock(block, receipts, err) atomic.StoreUint32(&followupInterrupt, 1) return it.index, err } // Update the metrics touched during block processing accountReadTimer.Update(statedb.AccountReads) // Account reads are complete, we can mark them storageReadTimer.Update(statedb.StorageReads) // Storage reads are complete, we can mark them accountUpdateTimer.Update(statedb.AccountUpdates) // Account updates are complete, we can mark them storageUpdateTimer.Update(statedb.StorageUpdates) // Storage updates are complete, we can mark them snapshotAccountReadTimer.Update(statedb.SnapshotAccountReads) // Account reads are complete, we can mark them snapshotStorageReadTimer.Update(statedb.SnapshotStorageReads) // Storage reads are complete, we can mark them triehash := statedb.AccountHashes + statedb.StorageHashes // Save to not double count in validation trieproc := statedb.SnapshotAccountReads + statedb.AccountReads + statedb.AccountUpdates trieproc += statedb.SnapshotStorageReads + statedb.StorageReads + statedb.StorageUpdates
            blockExecutionTimer.Update(time.Since(substart) - trieproc - triehash)
            // Validate the state using the default validator substart = time.Now() if err := bc.validator.ValidateState(block, statedb, receipts, usedGas); err != nil { bc.reportBlock(block, receipts, err) atomic.StoreUint32(&followupInterrupt, 1) return it.index, err } proctime := time.Since(start)
            // Update the metrics touched during block validation accountHashTimer.Update(statedb.AccountHashes) // Account hashes are complete, we can mark them storageHashTimer.Update(statedb.StorageHashes) // Storage hashes are complete, we can mark them
            blockValidationTimer.Update(time.Since(substart) - (statedb.AccountHashes + statedb.StorageHashes - triehash))
            // Write the block to the chain and get the status. substart = time.Now() status, err := bc.writeBlockWithState(block, receipts, logs, statedb, false) atomic.StoreUint32(&followupInterrupt, 1) if err != nil { return it.index, err } // Update the metrics touched during block commit accountCommitTimer.Update(statedb.AccountCommits) // Account commits are complete, we can mark them storageCommitTimer.Update(statedb.StorageCommits) // Storage commits are complete, we can mark them snapshotCommitTimer.Update(statedb.SnapshotCommits) // Snapshot commits are complete, we can mark them
            blockWriteTimer.Update(time.Since(substart) - statedb.AccountCommits - statedb.StorageCommits - statedb.SnapshotCommits) blockInsertTimer.UpdateSince(start)
            switch status { case CanonStatTy: log.Debug(\\\"Inserted new block\\\", \\\"number\\\", block.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", block.Hash(), \\\"uncles\\\", len(block.Uncles()), \\\"txs\\\", len(block.Transactions()), \\\"gas\\\", block.GasUsed(), \\\"elapsed\\\", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)), \\\"root\\\", block.Root())
            lastCanon = block
            // Only count canonical blocks for GC processing time bc.gcproc += proctime
            case SideStatTy: log.Debug(\\\"Inserted forked block\\\", \\\"number\\\", block.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", block.Hash(), \\\"diff\\\", block.Difficulty(), \\\"elapsed\\\", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)), \\\"txs\\\", len(block.Transactions()), \\\"gas\\\", block.GasUsed(), \\\"uncles\\\", len(block.Uncles()), \\\"root\\\", block.Root())
            default: // This in theory is impossible, but lets be nice to our future selves and leave // a log, instead of trying to track down blocks imports that don\\\'t emit logs. log.Warn(\\\"Inserted block with unknown status\\\", \\\"number\\\", block.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", block.Hash(), \\\"diff\\\", block.Difficulty(), \\\"elapsed\\\", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)), \\\"txs\\\", len(block.Transactions()), \\\"gas\\\", block.GasUsed(), \\\"uncles\\\", len(block.Uncles()), \\\"root\\\", block.Root()) } stats.processed++ stats.usedGas += usedGas
            dirty, _ := bc.stateCache.TrieDB().Size() stats.report(chain, it.index, dirty) } // Any blocks remaining here? The only ones we care about are the future ones if block != nil && errors.Is(err, consensus.ErrFutureBlock) { if err := bc.addFutureBlock(block); err != nil { return it.index, err } block, err = it.next()
            for ; block != nil && errors.Is(err, consensus.ErrUnknownAncestor); block, err = it.next() { if err := bc.addFutureBlock(block); err != nil { return it.index, err } stats.queued++ } } stats.ignored += it.remaining()
            return it.index, err}


              // If the chain is terminating, don\\\'t even bother starting up  if atomic.LoadInt32(&bc.procInterrupt) == 1 {    return 0, nil  }


              // Start the parallel header verifier  headers := make([]*types.Header, len(chain))  seals := make([]bool, len(chain))
            for i, block := range chain { headers[i] = block.Header() seals[i] = verifySeals } abort, results := bc.engine.VerifyHeaders(bc, headers, seals) defer close(abort)


              // Peek the error for the first block to decide the directing import logic  it := newInsertIterator(chain, results, bc.validator)
            block, err := it.next()

            如果待插入的区块是一个已知区块,则直接忽视该区块并更新迭代器与新的block,之后再次进行校验,在这里剩余的块有可能仍然是已知的块,因为在快速同步期间,pivot point已经提交,但会发生回滚,然后node通过\\”rollback\\”将head-full块重置为较低的高度,并在数据库中保留一些已知块,当node再次运行快速同步时,它可以通过\\”insertChain\\”重新导入一批已知块,而其中一部分块的总难度高于当前head-full块(new pivot point)

              // Left-trim all the known blocks  if err == ErrKnownBlock {    // First block (and state) is known    //   1. We did a roll-back, and should now do a re-import    //   2. The block is stored as a sidechain, and is lying about it\\\'s stateroot, and passes a stateroot    //       from the canonical chain, which has not been verified.    // Skip all known blocks that are behind us    var (      current  = bc.CurrentBlock()      localTd  = bc.GetTd(current.Hash(), current.NumberU64())      externTd = bc.GetTd(block.ParentHash(), block.NumberU64()-1) // The first block can\\\'t be nil    )    for block != nil && err == ErrKnownBlock {      externTd = new(big.Int).Add(externTd, block.Difficulty())      if localTd.Cmp(externTd) < 0 {        break      }      log.Debug(\\\"Ignoring already known block\\\", \\\"number\\\", block.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", block.Hash())      stats.ignored++
            block, err = it.next() } // The remaining blocks are still known blocks, the only scenario here is: // During the fast sync, the pivot point is already submitted but rollback // happens. Then node resets the head full block to a lower height via `rollback` // and leaves a few known blocks in the database. // // When node runs a fast sync again, it can re-import a batch of known blocks via // `insertChain` while a part of them have higher total difficulty than current // head full block(new pivot point). for block != nil && err == ErrKnownBlock { log.Debug(\\\"Writing previously known block\\\", \\\"number\\\", block.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", block.Hash()) if err := bc.writeKnownBlock(block); err != nil { return it.index, err } lastCanon = block
            block, err = it.next() } // Falls through to the block import }

            之后继续校验区块,如果区块的父区块已知但其状态不可用时,则作为侧链数据插入,如果区块是future block,将它(和所有子块)添加到future队列(未知祖先),当其他错误发生时则直接abort:

              switch {  // First block is pruned, insert as sidechain and reorg only if TD grows enough  case errors.Is(err, consensus.ErrPrunedAncestor):    log.Debug(\\\"Pruned ancestor, inserting as sidechain\\\", \\\"number\\\", block.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", block.Hash())    return bc.insertSideChain(block, it)
            // First block is future, shove it (and all children) to the future queue (unknown ancestor) case errors.Is(err, consensus.ErrFutureBlock) || (errors.Is(err, consensus.ErrUnknownAncestor) && bc.futureBlocks.Contains(it.first().ParentHash())): for block != nil && (it.index == 0 || errors.Is(err, consensus.ErrUnknownAncestor)) { log.Debug(\\\"Future block, postponing import\\\", \\\"number\\\", block.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", block.Hash()) if err := bc.addFutureBlock(block); err != nil { return it.index, err } block, err = it.next() } stats.queued += it.processed() stats.ignored += it.remaining()
            // If there are any still remaining, mark as ignored return it.index, err
            // Some other error occurred, abort case err != nil: bc.futureBlocks.Remove(block.Hash()) stats.ignored += len(it.chain) bc.reportBlock(block, nil, err) return it.index, err }


                for ; block != nil && err == nil || err == ErrKnownBlock; block, err = it.next() {    // If the chain is terminating, stop processing blocks    if bc.insertStopped() {      log.Debug(\\\"Abort during block processing\\\")      break    }    // If the header is a banned one, straight out abort    if BadHashes[block.Hash()] {      bc.reportBlock(block, nil, ErrBlacklistedHash)      return it.index, ErrBlacklistedHash    }    // If the block is known (in the middle of the chain), it\\\'s a special case for    // Clique blocks where they can share state among each other, so importing an    // older block might complete the state of the subsequent one. In this case,    // just skip the block (we already validated it once fully (and crashed), since    // its header and body was already in the database).    if err == ErrKnownBlock {      logger := log.Debug      if bc.chainConfig.Clique == nil {        logger = log.Warn      }      logger(\\\"Inserted known block\\\", \\\"number\\\", block.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", block.Hash(),        \\\"uncles\\\", len(block.Uncles()), \\\"txs\\\", len(block.Transactions()), \\\"gas\\\", block.GasUsed(),        \\\"root\\\", block.Root())
              // Special case. Commit the empty receipt slice if we meet the known // block in the middle. It can only happen in the clique chain. Whenever // we insert blocks via `insertSideChain`, we only commit `td`, `header` // and `body` if it\\\'s non-existent. Since we don\\\'t have receipts without // reexecution, so nothing to commit. But if the sidechain will be adpoted // as the canonical chain eventually, it needs to be reexecuted for missing // state, but if it\\\'s this special case here(skip reexecution) we will lose // the empty receipt entry. if len(block.Transactions()) == 0 { rawdb.WriteReceipts(bc.db, block.Hash(), block.NumberU64(), nil) } else { log.Error(\\\"Please file an issue, skip known block execution without receipt\\\", \\\"hash\\\", block.Hash(), \\\"number\\\", block.NumberU64()) } if err := bc.writeKnownBlock(block); err != nil { return it.index, err } stats.processed++
              // We can assume that logs are empty here, since the only way for consecutive // Clique blocks to have the same state is if there are no transactions. lastCanon = block continue } ...... }

              如果上面验证均通过,则对待插入区块的交易状态进行验证,否则退出,在这里首先会从父区块读取状态,之后调用bc.processor.Process(block, state, bc.vmConfig)来执行交易,更新状态,之后对状态进行验证,看与header中的数据是否匹配

                  // Retrieve the parent block and it\\\'s state to execute on top    start := time.Now()
              parent := it.previous() if parent == nil { parent = bc.GetHeader(block.ParentHash(), block.uNmberU64()-1) } statedb, err := state.New(parent.Root, bc.stateCache, bc.snaps) if err != nil { return it.index, err } // Enable prefetching to pull in trie node paths while processing transactions statedb.StartPrefetcher(\\\"chain\\\") activeState = statedb
              // If we have a followup block, run that against the current state to pre-cache // transactions and probabilistically some of the account/storage trie nodes. var followupInterrupt uint32 if !bc.cacheConfig.TrieCleanNoPrefetch { if followup, err := it.peek(); followup != nil && err == nil { throwaway, _ := state.New(parent.Root, bc.stateCache, bc.snaps)
              go func(start time.Time, followup *types.Block, throwaway *state.StateDB, interrupt *uint32) { bc.prefetcher.Prefetch(followup, throwaway, bc.vmConfig, &followupInterrupt)
              blockPrefetchExecuteTimer.Update(time.Since(start)) if atomic.LoadUint32(interrupt) == 1 { blockPrefetchInterruptMeter.Mark(1) } }(time.Now(), followup, throwaway, &followupInterrupt) } } // Process block using the parent state as reference point substart := time.Now() receipts, logs, usedGas, err := bc.processor.Process(block, statedb, bc.vmConfig) if err != nil { bc.reportBlock(block, receipts, err) atomic.StoreUint32(&followupInterrupt, 1) return it.index, err } // Update the metrics touched during block processing accountReadTimer.Update(statedb.AccountReads) // Account reads are complete, we can mark them storageReadTimer.Update(statedb.StorageReads) // Storage reads are complete, we can mark them accountUpdateTimer.Update(statedb.AccountUpdates) // Account updates are complete, we can mark them storageUpdateTimer.Update(statedb.StorageUpdates) // Storage updates are complete, we can mark them snapshotAccountReadTimer.Update(statedb.SnapshotAccountReads) // Account reads are complete, we can mark them snapshotStorageReadTimer.Update(statedb.SnapshotStorageReads) // Storage reads are complete, we can mark them triehash := statedb.AccountHashes + statedb.StorageHashes // Save to not double count in validation trieproc := statedb.SnapshotAccountReads + statedb.AccountReads + statedb.AccountUpdates trieproc += statedb.SnapshotStorageReads + statedb.StorageReads + statedb.StorageUpdates
              blockExecutionTimer.Update(time.Since(substart) - trieproc - triehash)
              // Validate the state using the default validator substart = time.Now() if err := bc.validator.ValidateState(block, statedb, receipts, usedGas); err != nil { bc.reportBlock(block, receipts, err) atomic.StoreUint32(&followupInterrupt, 1) return it.index, err } proctime := time.Since(start)


              // filedir:go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\core\\\\state_processor.go  L50
              // Process processes the state changes according to the Ethereum rules by running// the transaction messages using the statedb and applying any rewards to both// the processor (coinbase) and any included uncles.//// Process returns the receipts and logs accumulated during the process and// returns the amount of gas that was used in the process. If any of the// transactions failed to execute due to insufficient gas it will return an error.func (p *StateProcessor) Process(block *types.Block, statedb *state.StateDB, cfg vm.Config) (types.Receipts, []*types.Log, uint64, error) { var ( receipts types.Receipts usedGas = new(uint64) header = block.Header() allLogs []*types.Log gp = new(GasPool).AddGas(block.GasLimit()) ) // Mutate the block and state according to any hard-fork specs if p.config.DAOForkSupport && p.config.DAOForkBlock != nil && p.config.DAOForkBlock.Cmp(block.Number()) == 0 { misc.ApplyDAOHardFork(statedb) } blockContext := NewEVMBlockContext(header, p.bc, nil) vmenv := vm.NewEVM(blockContext, vm.TxContext{}, statedb, p.config, cfg) // Iterate over and process the individual transactions for i, tx := range block.Transactions() { msg, err := tx.AsMessage(types.MakeSigner(p.config, header.Number)) if err != nil { return nil, nil, 0, err } statedb.Prepare(tx.Hash(), block.Hash(), i) receipt, err := applyTransaction(msg, p.config, p.bc, nil, gp, statedb, header, tx, usedGas, vmenv) if err != nil { return nil, nil, 0, fmt.Errorf(\\\"could not apply tx %d [%v]: %w\\\", i, tx.Hash().Hex(), err) } receipts = append(receipts, receipt) allLogs = append(allLogs, receipt.Logs...) } // Finalize the block, applying any consensus engine specific extras (e.g. block rewards) p.engine.Finalize(p.bc, header, statedb, block.Transactions(), block.Uncles())
              return receipts, allLogs, *usedGas, nil}


                  // Update the metrics touched during block validation    accountHashTimer.Update(statedb.AccountHashes) // Account hashes are complete, we can mark them    storageHashTimer.Update(statedb.StorageHashes) // Storage hashes are complete, we can mark them
              blockValidationTimer.Update(time.Since(substart) - (statedb.AccountHashes + statedb.StorageHashes - triehash))
              // Write the block to the chain and get the status. substart = time.Now() status, err := bc.writeBlockWithState(block, receipts, logs, statedb, false) atomic.StoreUint32(&followupInterrupt, 1) if err != nil { return it.index, err } // Update the metrics touched during block commit accountCommitTimer.Update(statedb.AccountCommits) // Account commits are complete, we can mark them storageCommitTimer.Update(statedb.StorageCommits) // Storage commits are complete, we can mark them snapshotCommitTimer.Update(statedb.SnapshotCommits) // Snapshot commits are complete, we can mark them
              blockWriteTimer.Update(time.Since(substart) - statedb.AccountCommits - statedb.StorageCommits - statedb.SnapshotCommits) blockInsertTimer.UpdateSince(start) switch status { case CanonStatTy: log.Debug(\\\"Inserted new block\\\", \\\"number\\\", block.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", block.Hash(), \\\"uncles\\\", len(block.Uncles()), \\\"txs\\\", len(block.Transactions()), \\\"gas\\\", block.GasUsed(), \\\"elapsed\\\", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)), \\\"root\\\", block.Root())
              lastCanon = block
              // Only count canonical blocks for GC processing time bc.gcproc += proctime
              case SideStatTy: log.Debug(\\\"Inserted forked block\\\", \\\"number\\\", block.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", block.Hash(), \\\"diff\\\", block.Difficulty(), \\\"elapsed\\\", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)), \\\"txs\\\", len(block.Transactions()), \\\"gas\\\", block.GasUsed(), \\\"uncles\\\", len(block.Uncles()), \\\"root\\\", block.Root())
              default: // This in theory is impossible, but lets be nice to our future selves and leave // a log, instead of trying to track down blocks imports that don\\\'t emit logs. log.Warn(\\\"Inserted block with unknown status\\\", \\\"number\\\", block.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", block.Hash(), \\\"diff\\\", block.Difficulty(), \\\"elapsed\\\", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)), \\\"txs\\\", len(block.Transactions()), \\\"gas\\\", block.GasUsed(), \\\"uncles\\\", len(block.Uncles()), \\\"root\\\", block.Root()) } stats.processed++ stats.usedGas += usedGas
              dirty, _ := bc.stateCache.TrieDB().Size() stats.report(chain, it.index, dirty) } ......

              WriteBlockWithState的功能是将一个区块写入数据库和规范链,在这里首先获取父区块总难度(ptd),加上block的difficulty,计算新的total difficulty值,并写入数据库,之后调用WriteBlock(batch, block) 把block的body和header写入数据库,调用state.Commit(bc.chainConfig.IsEIP158(block.Number()))把状态写入数据库并获取到状态root,之后按规则处理bc.stateCache缓存,并清理垃圾回收器,如果发现block的父区块不是本地当前最新区块,调用bc.reorg(currentBlock, block),如果新区块比老区块td高,则把高出来的区块插入到blockChain:

                // filedir:go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\core\\\\blockchain.go L1500// writeBlockWithState writes the block and all associated state to the database,// but is expects the chain mutex to be held.func (bc *BlockChain) writeBlockWithState(block *types.Block, receipts []*types.Receipt, logs []*types.Log, state *state.StateDB, emitHeadEvent bool) (status WriteStatus, err error) {  bc.wg.Add(1)  defer bc.wg.Done()
                // Calculate the total difficulty of the block ptd := bc.GetTd(block.ParentHash(), block.NumberU64()-1) if ptd == nil { return NonStatTy, consensus.ErrUnknownAncestor } // Make sure no inconsistent state is leaked during insertion currentBlock := bc.CurrentBlock() localTd := bc.GetTd(currentBlock.Hash(), currentBlock.NumberU64()) externTd := new(big.Int).Add(block.Difficulty(), ptd)
                // Irrelevant of the canonical status, write the block itself to the database. // // Note all the components of block(td, hash->number map, header, body, receipts) // should be written atomically. BlockBatch is used for containing all components. blockBatch := bc.db.NewBatch() rawdb.WriteTd(blockBatch, block.Hash(), block.NumberU64(), externTd) rawdb.WriteBlock(blockBatch, block) rawdb.WriteReceipts(blockBatch, block.Hash(), block.NumberU64(), receipts) rawdb.WritePreimages(blockBatch, state.Preimages()) if err := blockBatch.Write(); err != nil { log.Crit(\\\"Failed to write block into disk\\\", \\\"err\\\", err) } // Commit all cached state changes into underlying memory database. root, err := state.Commit(bc.chainConfig.IsEIP158(block.Number())) if err != nil { return NonStatTy, err } triedb := bc.stateCache.TrieDB()
                // If we\\\'re running an archive node, always flush if bc.cacheConfig.TrieDirtyDisabled { if err := triedb.Commit(root, false, nil); err != nil { return NonStatTy, err } } else { // Full but not archive node, do proper garbage collection triedb.Reference(root, common.Hash{}) // metadata reference to keep trie alive bc.triegc.Push(root, -int64(block.NumberU64()))
                if current := block.NumberU64(); current > TriesInMemory { // If we exceeded our memory allowance, flush matured singleton nodes to disk var ( nodes, imgs = triedb.Size() limit = common.StorageSize(bc.cacheConfig.TrieDirtyLimit) * 1024 * 1024 ) if nodes > limit || imgs > 4*1024*1024 { triedb.Cap(limit - ethdb.IdealBatchSize) } // Find the next state trie we need to commit chosen := current - TriesInMemory
                // If we exceeded out time allowance, flush an entire trie to disk if bc.gcproc > bc.cacheConfig.TrieTimeLimit { // If the header is missing (canonical chain behind), we\\\'re reorging a low // diff sidechain. Suspend committing until this operation is completed. header := bc.GetHeaderByNumber(chosen) if header == nil { log.Warn(\\\"Reorg in progress, trie commit postponed\\\", \\\"number\\\", chosen) } else { // If we\\\'re exceeding limits but haven\\\'t reached a large enough memory gap, // warn the user that the system is becoming unstable. if chosen < lastWrite+TriesInMemory && bc.gcproc >= 2*bc.cacheConfig.TrieTimeLimit { log.Info(\\\"State in memory for too long, committing\\\", \\\"time\\\", bc.gcproc, \\\"allowance\\\", bc.cacheConfig.TrieTimeLimit, \\\"optimum\\\", float64(chosen-lastWrite)/TriesInMemory) } // Flush an entire trie and restart the counters triedb.Commit(header.Root, true, nil) lastWrite = chosen bc.gcproc = 0 } } // Garbage collect anything below our required write retention for !bc.triegc.Empty() { root, number := bc.triegc.Pop() if uint64(-number) > chosen { bc.triegc.Push(root, number) break } triedb.Dereference(root.(common.Hash)) } } } // If the total difficulty is higher than our known, add it to the canonical chain // Second clause in the if statement reduces the vulnerability to selfish mining. // Please refer to http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~ie53/publications/btcProcFC.pdf reorg := externTd.Cmp(localTd) > 0 currentBlock = bc.CurrentBlock() if !reorg && externTd.Cmp(localTd) == 0 { // Split same-difficulty blocks by number, then preferentially select // the block generated by the local miner as the canonical block. if block.NumberU64() < currentBlock.NumberU64() { reorg = true } else if block.NumberU64() == currentBlock.NumberU64() { var currentPreserve, blockPreserve bool if bc.shouldPreserve != nil { currentPreserve, blockPreserve = bc.shouldPreserve(currentBlock), bc.shouldPreserve(block) } reorg = !currentPreserve && (blockPreserve || mrand.Float64() < 0.5) } } if reorg { // Reorganise the chain if the parent is not the head block if block.ParentHash() != currentBlock.Hash() { if err := bc.reorg(currentBlock, block); err != nil { return NonStatTy, err } } status = CanonStatTy } else { status = SideStatTy } // Set new head. if status == CanonStatTy { bc.writeHeadBlock(block) } bc.futureBlocks.Remove(block.Hash())
                if status == CanonStatTy { bc.chainFeed.Send(ChainEvent{Block: block, Hash: block.Hash(), Logs: logs}) if len(logs) > 0 { bc.logsFeed.Send(logs) } // In theory we should fire a ChainHeadEvent when we inject // a canonical block, but sometimes we can insert a batch of // canonicial blocks. Avoid firing too much ChainHeadEvents, // we will fire an accumulated ChainHeadEvent and disable fire // event here. if emitHeadEvent { bc.chainHeadFeed.Send(ChainHeadEvent{Block: block}) } } else { bc.chainSideFeed.Send(ChainSideEvent{Block: block}) } return status, nil}


                  // Any blocks remaining here? The only ones we care about are the future ones  if block != nil && errors.Is(err, consensus.ErrFutureBlock) {    if err := bc.addFutureBlock(block); err != nil {      return it.index, err    }    block, err = it.next()
                for ; block != nil && errors.Is(err, consensus.ErrUnknownAncestor); block, err = it.next() { if err := bc.addFutureBlock(block); err != nil { return it.index, err } stats.queued++ } } stats.ignored += it.remaining()
                return it.index, err}



                // filedir:go-ethereum-1.10.2\\\\core\\\\blockchain.go L2124// reorg takes two blocks, an old chain and a new chain and will reconstruct the// blocks and inserts them to be part of the new canonical chain and accumulates// potential missing transactions and post an event about them.func (bc *BlockChain) reorg(oldBlock, newBlock *types.Block) error {  var (    newChain    types.Blocks    oldChain    types.Blocks    commonBlock *types.Block
                deletedTxs types.Transactions addedTxs types.Transactions
                deletedLogs [][]*types.Log rebirthLogs [][]*types.Log
                // collectLogs collects the logs that were generated or removed during // the processing of the block that corresponds with the given hash. // These logs are later announced as deleted or reborn collectLogs = func(hash common.Hash, removed bool) { number := bc.hc.GetBlockNumber(hash) if number == nil { return } receipts := rawdb.ReadReceipts(bc.db, hash, *number, bc.chainConfig)
                var logs []*types.Log for _, receipt := range receipts { for _, log := range receipt.Logs { l := *log if removed { l.Removed = true } else { } logs = append(logs, &l) } } if len(logs) > 0 { if removed { deletedLogs = append(deletedLogs, logs) } else { rebirthLogs = append(rebirthLogs, logs) } } } // mergeLogs returns a merged log slice with specified sort order. mergeLogs = func(logs [][]*types.Log, reverse bool) []*types.Log { var ret []*types.Log if reverse { for i := len(logs) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { ret = append(ret, logs[i]...) } } else { for i := 0; i < len(logs); i++ { ret = append(ret, logs[i]...) } } return ret } ) // Reduce the longer chain to the same number as the shorter one if oldBlock.NumberU64() > newBlock.NumberU64() { // Old chain is longer, gather all transactions and logs as deleted ones for ; oldBlock != nil && oldBlock.NumberU64() != newBlock.NumberU64(); oldBlock = bc.GetBlock(oldBlock.ParentHash(), oldBlock.NumberU64()-1) { oldChain = append(oldChain, oldBlock) deletedTxs = append(deletedTxs, oldBlock.Transactions()...) collectLogs(oldBlock.Hash(), true) } } else { // New chain is longer, stash all blocks away for subsequent insertion for ; newBlock != nil && newBlock.NumberU64() != oldBlock.NumberU64(); newBlock = bc.GetBlock(newBlock.ParentHash(), newBlock.NumberU64()-1) { newChain = append(newChain, newBlock) } } if oldBlock == nil { return fmt.Errorf(\\\"invalid old chain\\\") } if newBlock == nil { return fmt.Errorf(\\\"invalid new chain\\\") } // Both sides of the reorg are at the same number, reduce both until the common // ancestor is found for { // If the common ancestor was found, bail out if oldBlock.Hash() == newBlock.Hash() { commonBlock = oldBlock break } // Remove an old block as well as stash away a new block oldChain = append(oldChain, oldBlock) deletedTxs = append(deletedTxs, oldBlock.Transactions()...) collectLogs(oldBlock.Hash(), true)
                newChain = append(newChain, newBlock)
                // Step back with both chains oldBlock = bc.GetBlock(oldBlock.ParentHash(), oldBlock.NumberU64()-1) if oldBlock == nil { return fmt.Errorf(\\\"invalid old chain\\\") } newBlock = bc.GetBlock(newBlock.ParentHash(), newBlock.NumberU64()-1) if newBlock == nil { return fmt.Errorf(\\\"invalid new chain\\\") } } // Ensure the user sees large reorgs if len(oldChain) > 0 && len(newChain) > 0 { logFn := log.Info msg := \\\"Chain reorg detected\\\" if len(oldChain) > 63 { msg = \\\"Large chain reorg detected\\\" logFn = log.Warn } logFn(msg, \\\"number\\\", commonBlock.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", commonBlock.Hash(), \\\"drop\\\", len(oldChain), \\\"dropfrom\\\", oldChain[0].Hash(), \\\"add\\\", len(newChain), \\\"addfrom\\\", newChain[0].Hash()) blockReorgAddMeter.Mark(int64(len(newChain))) blockReorgDropMeter.Mark(int64(len(oldChain))) blockReorgMeter.Mark(1) } else { log.Error(\\\"Impossible reorg, please file an issue\\\", \\\"oldnum\\\", oldBlock.Number(), \\\"oldhash\\\", oldBlock.Hash(), \\\"newnum\\\", newBlock.Number(), \\\"newhash\\\", newBlock.Hash()) } // Insert the new chain(except the head block(reverse order)), // taking care of the proper incremental order. for i := len(newChain) - 1; i >= 1; i-- { // Insert the block in the canonical way, re-writing history bc.writeHeadBlock(newChain[i])
                // Collect reborn logs due to chain reorg collectLogs(newChain[i].Hash(), false)
                // Collect the new added transactions. addedTxs = append(addedTxs, newChain[i].Transactions()...) } // Delete useless indexes right now which includes the non-canonical // transaction indexes, canonical chain indexes which above the head. indexesBatch := bc.db.NewBatch() for _, tx := range types.TxDifference(deletedTxs, addedTxs) { rawdb.DeleteTxLookupEntry(indexesBatch, tx.Hash()) } // Delete any canonical number assignments above the new head number := bc.CurrentBlock().NumberU64() for i := number + 1; ; i++ { hash := rawdb.ReadCanonicalHash(bc.db, i) if hash == (common.Hash{}) { break } rawdb.DeleteCanonicalHash(indexesBatch, i) } if err := indexesBatch.Write(); err != nil { log.Crit(\\\"Failed to delete useless indexes\\\", \\\"err\\\", err) } // If any logs need to be fired, do it now. In theory we could avoid creating // this goroutine if there are no events to fire, but realistcally that only // ever happens if we\\\'re reorging empty blocks, which will only happen on idle // networks where performance is not an issue either way. if len(deletedLogs) > 0 { bc.rmLogsFeed.Send(RemovedLogsEvent{mergeLogs(deletedLogs, true)}) } if len(rebirthLogs) > 0 { bc.logsFeed.Send(mergeLogs(rebirthLogs, false)) } if len(oldChain) > 0 { for i := len(oldChain) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { bc.chainSideFeed.Send(ChainSideEvent{Block: oldChain[i]}) } } return nil}


                Step 1:找到新链和老链的共同祖先,如果老分支比新分支区块高度高,则减少老分支直到与新分支高度相同为止,同时并收集老分支上的交易和日志,如果是新分支高于老分支,则减少新分支,等到达共同高度后,去找到共同祖先(共同回退),继续收集日志和事件

                  // Reduce the longer chain to the same number as the shorter one  if oldBlock.NumberU64() > newBlock.NumberU64() {    // Old chain is longer, gather all transactions and logs as deleted ones    for ; oldBlock != nil && oldBlock.NumberU64() != newBlock.NumberU64(); oldBlock = bc.GetBlock(oldBlock.ParentHash(), oldBlock.NumberU64()-1) {      oldChain = append(oldChain, oldBlock)      deletedTxs = append(deletedTxs, oldBlock.Transactions()...)      collectLogs(oldBlock.Hash(), true)    }  } else {    // New chain is longer, stash all blocks away for subsequent insertion    for ; newBlock != nil && newBlock.NumberU64() != oldBlock.NumberU64(); newBlock = bc.GetBlock(newBlock.ParentHash(), newBlock.NumberU64()-1) {      newChain = append(newChain, newBlock)    }  }  if oldBlock == nil {    return fmt.Errorf(\\\"invalid old chain\\\")  }  if newBlock == nil {    return fmt.Errorf(\\\"invalid new chain\\\")  }  // Both sides of the reorg are at the same number, reduce both until the common  // ancestor is found  for {    // If the common ancestor was found, bail out    if oldBlock.Hash() == newBlock.Hash() {      commonBlock = oldBlock      break    }    // Remove an old block as well as stash away a new block    oldChain = append(oldChain, oldBlock)    deletedTxs = append(deletedTxs, oldBlock.Transactions()...)    collectLogs(oldBlock.Hash(), true)
                newChain = append(newChain, newBlock)
                // Step back with both chains oldBlock = bc.GetBlock(oldBlock.ParentHash(), oldBlock.NumberU64()-1) if oldBlock == nil { return fmt.Errorf(\\\"invalid old chain\\\") } newBlock = bc.GetBlock(newBlock.ParentHash(), newBlock.NumberU64()-1) if newBlock == nil { return fmt.Errorf(\\\"invalid new chain\\\") } } // Ensure the user sees large reorgs if len(oldChain) > 0 && len(newChain) > 0 { logFn := log.Info msg := \\\"Chain reorg detected\\\" if len(oldChain) > 63 { msg = \\\"Large chain reorg detected\\\" logFn = log.Warn } logFn(msg, \\\"number\\\", commonBlock.Number(), \\\"hash\\\", commonBlock.Hash(), \\\"drop\\\", len(oldChain), \\\"dropfrom\\\", oldChain[0].Hash(), \\\"add\\\", len(newChain), \\\"addfrom\\\", newChain[0].Hash()) blockReorgAddMeter.Mark(int64(len(newChain))) blockReorgDropMeter.Mark(int64(len(oldChain))) blockReorgMeter.Mark(1) } else { log.Error(\\\"Impossible reorg, please file an issue\\\", \\\"oldnum\\\", oldBlock.Number(), \\\"oldhash\\\", oldBlock.Hash(), \\\"newnum\\\", newBlock.Number(), \\\"newhash\\\", newBlock.Hash()) }

                step 2:将新链插入到规范链中,同时收集插入到规范链中的所有交易

                  // Insert the new chain(except the head block(reverse order)),  // taking care of the proper incremental order.  for i := len(newChain) - 1; i >= 1; i-- {    // Insert the block in the canonical way, re-writing history    bc.writeHeadBlock(newChain[i])
                // Collect reborn logs due to chain reorg collectLogs(newChain[i].Hash(), false)
                // Collect the new added transactions. addedTxs = append(addedTxs, newChain[i].Transactions()...) }

                step 3:之后找出待删除列表和待添加列表中的差异,删除那些不在新链上的交易在数据库中的查询入口

                  // Delete useless indexes right now which includes the non-canonical  // transaction indexes, canonical chain indexes which above the head.  indexesBatch := bc.db.NewBatch()  for _, tx := range types.TxDifference(deletedTxs, addedTxs) {    rawdb.DeleteTxLookupEntry(indexesBatch, tx.Hash())  }  // Delete any canonical number assignments above the new head  number := bc.CurrentBlock().NumberU64()  for i := number + 1; ; i++ {    hash := rawdb.ReadCanonicalHash(bc.db, i)    if hash == (common.Hash{}) {      break    }    rawdb.DeleteCanonicalHash(indexesBatch, i)  }  if err := indexesBatch.Write(); err != nil {    log.Crit(\\\"Failed to delete useless indexes\\\", \\\"err\\\", err)  }

                Step 4:向外发送区块被重新组织的事件,以及日志删除事件

                  // If any logs need to be fired, do it now. In theory we could avoid creating  // this goroutine if there are no events to fire, but realistcally that only  // ever happens if we\\\'re reorging empty blocks, which will only happen on idle  // networks where performance is not an issue either way.  if len(deletedLogs) > 0 {    bc.rmLogsFeed.Send(RemovedLogsEvent{mergeLogs(deletedLogs, true)})  }  if len(rebirthLogs) > 0 {    bc.logsFeed.Send(mergeLogs(rebirthLogs, false))  }  if len(oldChain) > 0 {    for i := len(oldChain) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {      bc.chainSideFeed.Send(ChainSideEvent{Block: oldChain[i]})    }  }  return nil




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