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我们全局声明一个变量「x」算什么?在全局声明的「全局变量」都是可以通过 window.x 访问的,只不过我们用了这么多年,都只是在直接使用「全局变量」而已。
在 JavaScript 里,引用是可以转换为「值」的,也就是说 x 可称为右操作数结果的引用,也可以叫它「别名」/「变量」。
Algorithm steps may declare named aliases for any value using the form “Let x be someValue”.
算法规则可以使 Let x be someValue 这样的形式,声明任何值的「别名」。
These aliases are reference-like in that both x and someValue refer to the same underlying data and modifications to either are visible to both.
这些「别名」与「引用」类似,因为 x 和 someValue 都引用的是相同的基础数据,并且对于两者都可以修改。
When a constructor creates an object, that object implicitly references the constructor\\’s prototype property for the purpose of resolving property references.
当构造函数创建对象时,该对象隐式引用构造函数的 prototype 属性,以便解析属性引用。
If Type(V) is not Reference, return V.
In order to facilitate their use in multiple parts of this specification, some algorithms, called abstract operations, are named and written in parameterized functional form so that they may be referenced by name from within other algorithms.